Free (chapter 18)

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DISCLAIMER: I changed the ending on my previous chapter so if you haven't read that this will be very confusing to you.



I got woken up by an unpleasant noise. There was shouting in front of the metal doors and loud banging.

After some time the banging stopped, but I could still hear someone arguing. Just as I was about to go to the door the door opened making me fall on my butt.

Before I had any chance of recovery the devil came into the room with two armed guards.

"Get him, boys," he said

I started backing up, coming closer and closer to the wall until I could feel its cold surface on my back.

"NO!" I said once they started grabbing me by arms.

They were pulling me through the hallways I've never seen before until we got in front of metal doors.

You would expect god knows what to be behind those doors. Maybe he got a hungry lion and he plans on feeding him my head or my legs... or the whole me!!!

But behind those doors was freedom. A rainy and stormy freedom, but still a freedom. I could see the blue or gray sky that I haven't seen in a long time and that I just now started to appreciate. I could see trees that kept going to infinity and I could hear and see hails coming from the sky.

Is this a joke? Maybe a trap.

I looked at him and he was looking straight at me.

"What is this?" I asked

"What been in there so long you forgot what the world looks like?" he said sarcastically

"This isn't a time for one of your games. Why are we here? Why are you showing me this?" I asked

If I have to look at it one more time and not get out I will go crazy.

"I'm letting you go," he said

"I don't believe you. What do you want?" I asked

"What I wanted, I already have. I don't need you anymore" he said

"I don't understand," I said

"Laura agreed to never see you again if I let you go and since I'm a man of my word, I'm doing just that," he said

"She did what?!" I asked stunned

"I will make sure she keeps her promise," he said "Now enough questions. Let him go boys"

Their hold on me got tighter until they let go. But once they let go, I went flying out of the building. Okay, I'm exaggerating a bit. They didn't throw me that hard, but it will surely leave a tiny mark.

The doors went shot and I was free.

Then why didn't it feel like I was free? I felt more trapped than before. I felt like I was outside, but I couldn't breathe. Something was suffocating me... or someone's absence.

I can't believe she did that. She just let me go?

What will happen to her? Is she even alive?

All those questions occupied my mind, I didn't even realize I was running. My lungs were burning, but I just kept on going because that might be the only way I will be able to feel. Even though it's pain, it's still better than not feeling anything.


I ran for who knows how long and god knows where, but it didn't matter. If I keep on going I might find help.

I decided I wouldn't give up without a fight. He has Laura in there. The only person I want to spend my life with.

The person you cheated on.

I could beat myself up for it. I am mad at myself for doing that to her. Jeopardizing our relationship. Definitely not one of my proudest moments, but I'm going to spend my whole life trying to make up for it. Not even that will be enough because a woman like her deserves a much better man. But I'm a selfish bastard and I'm not letting her go. Not when I already lost her.


It was already dark when I got to the beach. Only stars were the source of light. It wasn't a public beach or anything like that. It was just sand and the ocean. It looked like no one has come here in years which is good because I don't need company right now.

I don't even know where I am. Where is the closest city and what is the closest city?

Now that I think about it are we even in L.A.?

Hope so...

It was summer so it wasn't cold. The breeze that passed me was comfortable and the sound of the waves was shooting and that is how I fell asleep.


The next morning sun was shining, the birds were singing. It almost felt like a movie, but the truth was it was far from it.

I still had to find a way to the city and then I had to save Laura.

With that thought in mind, I started my journey again. I tried finding food along the way because my stomach was growling, but there were just some berries that I wasn't sure were edible. Mac and cheese would be good right about now.

My stomach growled at the thought.

Let's hope I find something soon.

Not long after I heard what I suppose is a tractor? It sounds like one.

Excitement filled my body. Is this finally it?

I hurried my footsteps stumbling from how fast I walked.

I finally got close enough to see that it wasn't a tractor, but a very old pick up truck...

Which is fine. Everything is fine if it can get me to police and quite possibly an ambulance too. In case someone is injured.

My heart ached at the thought of Laura getting hurt.

When I was really close to the truck, I saw who was driving it.

It was some old man. A truck like its owner, I guess.

I knocked on the window of a truck.

He looked like I just woke him up, but he wasn't sleeping. I saw that his eyes were open. He rolled down the window.

"Whaaaaaaaaat dooo yu want booooy?"

Ohhh so he was drunk...

This will go well.

Just asking so I can know which book to update more

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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