Parking Lot and Makeup date (chapter 4)

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There's no point in arguing. Going against my dad would be like committing a suicide and he knows it.

I go to my neatly organized desk and start to put things in the box as they do in movies. I had a lot of pastel colored pens, I had a lot of cute post-its too. Once I got big things like binders out of the way, I started taking my paper clips, they were rose gold.

I didn't even bother to say goodbye to my, now, ex-boss so I hugged my work colleagues and started to go home.

"Laura, wait!!" Someone screamed after me.

I turned around to see Evelyn. She was a tall girl. Her desk was opposite mine. We talked here and there, but not much. In fact, I thought she was avoiding me.

"Look, I know we never really talked or made an effort to get to know each other, but now that you're not working here and we're not competing against each other, I'd like to get to know you. I really think we could be good friends" she said while twirling her dark brown hair.

She wants to be my friend?

It must have been the look on my face because she said "You always seemed really nice, that's all"

"Well sure. Give me your number and we can get a coffee or something"


Once we exchanged numbers I left the building. It was once, I was outside that it hit me. I was jobless. I've never been jobless before. What do I do? I obviously didn't go to college. Mr. Haney hired me because he knew my parents and at the time he didn't know that I wasn't on speaking terms with them.

Am I going to have to clean toilets or babysit children? Don't get me wrong, I love kids, but I don't want to babysit anyone's child other than mine. Obviously when I'll have one.

Once I was seated in the car, I called Ross. Is it hearing a voice of someone you love that makes you cry or what?

"Laur?" He said. It was a muffled sound.

"Where- where are you?" I sobbed

"Laurie what happened?!" He panicked "are you okay"

"I- I got fired" I put my head on the wheel.

"Oh..." he was quiet for a while and then he said, "where are you?"

"In front of the building" I looked up at the windows of the building I once worked in.

"Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can," he said "hold on baby"

"Okay" I whispered and hung up

Even though I had a polo shirt on, short sleeved, I was still hot. As the time went by soon it was an hour since I last talked to Ross and he still wasn't there. With the sun drying my tears through the car window, I fell asleep.


Dum, dum.

I could hear tapping to my left. I opened my eyes and saw a steering wheel in front of me. Where the flipping hell am I? I looked at my left to see Ross tapping on the window.

Now I remember. What time is it?

I unlocked the door and he kneeled down.

"How long have you been here?" I asked

"I came now. I'm sorry, I couldn't come earlier, I was at work" he said and I looked around again.

"How long have I been here?" I asked

"Since you called me, two hours," he said and scratched his neck

"You let me wait for you in a parking lot for two hours? Someone could've raped me!!" I screamed.

I can't believe I actually fell asleep. Laura that I know would never fall asleep in places and situations like these.

"I'm sorry. I really am. Something came up at work and I couldn't come earlier" he said

Now that I look at him, he's wearing the suit again. He never wore suits before.

"You fly a plane with a suit on?" I asked

"It's a new uniform," he said and looked at my right.

"Yeah, sure it is. You know what, I don't know what it is that you're hiding, but when you're ready to share your big secret talk to me, but till then don't even look at me" I said and got in my car.

"Laura, wait!!" He said, but the sound was muffled because he was outside of the car.

I turned the engine on and drove away. What could he even be hiding? We were always very honest with each other.

Is he seeing someone else? Right now I'm more confused than ever and he's not the one giving me any answers.

When I got home his car was already parked in front of our house. Great, so he is here. The house was really quiet and I didn't really understand what was going on until I came to our bedroom. There were blankets all around the room, a laptop on the bed and pizza on the bedside table.

He came from the closet.

"What is this?" I asked

"Well, we've been fighting a lot so I decided to try to make up for how I've acted," he said

"This is really nice and all, but that doesn't explain why you lied to me," I said "Just tell me are you cheating on me" I actually feared of the answer.

"Of course not. I'm sorry I made you think that, but I still can't tell you. It could get you hurt and I don't want to risk your life. Not now, not ever" he said

"What does that mean? I don't get it! Is your life in danger?" I asked

"Don't worry about it. I've got it all under control" Ross said and sat on the bed "Now come here and watch Maze Runner. Your favorite movie of all time"

I smiled a bit and sat next to him on the bed. For the rest of the night, we just laid in bed and cuddled while we watched Maze Runner.


So the drama is building up. Laura is unemployed and Ross is still hiding something that could apparently be dangerous for Laura if she found out. What do you think about that?

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

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