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Right now I am in my 4th hour and am waiting for the bell to ring for Lunch. 




"Ring" Finally. I leave my class and walk to lunch. Once I get to lunch I head straight for the line. I get in the line that says burger because I would rather have a burger rather than a burrito.

 (I saw my sister watching this show and I sat down and watched this episode so it popped into my head as soon as I wrote that line.)

I get in line and see one of my friends. Mary. I wave her over and we stand in line together. 

I soon fell a shooting pain in my spine. I turn around to see my violent short friend shorty, also known as Emerson. She also waits in line with me until we finally get our food.

 I am starving. I pay for my food and walk to our table that has the rest of my friends and a few enemies. keep your friends close and your enemies closer, sadly I am too shy to do anything to them. The rest of my friends consist of Ashley my really tall friend and Cassie my other short friend. Otherwise, I have one other friend but she has a different lunch than me. but we have math together so whatever her name is Arianna.

I sit down and text Arianna seeing if she wants to go to the library with me.

'Do you want to come to the library with me after school?'

'Sure why not, where are we meeting up?'

'We should meet up at your locker it is closer to the door."


I put my phone down and talk to my friends for a while. 

soon enough the bell rings to tell us to go back to 4th hour.


I grabbed my stuff out of my locker and put my jacket. I went downstairs towards Arianna's locker. once I got there she was already waiting for me by her locker. 

"What's up," I ask

"Nothin' how about you?"

" Nope nothin', you ready to go to the library?" 


With that, we start walking out towards the doors to exit the school. We then make our way towards the library. We take a shortcut that I learned a few years back. I look to my side and see Arianna looking back at me. We are about 1/2 way through the alley already. she nodded her head back.

 I look behind us and see 2 men in black wearing ski masks following us. We both start to walk faster until we hear heavy footsteps that sound really close. I know I shouldn't but curiosity gets the better of me and I look back at them. When they see me looking back at them they start running towards me. 

"Run" I yell out. We both start running for our lives.

I feel a strong force hit my back and am soon face first into the concrete. I hear a scream as I am falling. Guessing they got Arianna too. I feel a person on top of me that is really heavy. I start to thrash around and scream trying to get this guy off of me. But he is literally like a rock. I soon feel a hand go over my mouth, mumbling my screams. 

My face now lays sideways on the concrete and I see that Arianna is looking at me too. The man grabs my hands and puts them behind my back with one hand with his hand still covering my mouth. I see the other guy has Arianna in the same position but he has duct tape and is duct taping Arianna's hands together and putting duct tape on her mouth. I am going to call him duct tape. and the guy holding me is going to be Heavy.

Duct tape throws the duct tape towards Heavy and his hand leaves my, mouth for a second and I use that chance as my time to escape.

"HELP M-" I got cut off with duct tape going over my mouth.  I hear Heavy rip some duct tape and feel the duct tape on my hands. I see Arianna's gone and start to panic. I scream against the duct tape and thrash against his hold. He threw me over his shoulder and started walking towards wherever he is going. I kick him as hard as I can anywhere. I end up kicking him where the sunshine does not shine. He dropped me with a thud and I whimpered from the impact. I somehow got up and started running away. you can guess how far I got. and If you can't then I will tell you. Not very far at all. before I know it I am back on the ground again. I am going to have so many bruises after this day.

He got on top of me and duct taped my knees and feet together. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder again. I soon heard a car engine rev and a car door open. I was put into a backseat of  2018 Ford Mustang.

 I look over and see Arianna passed out next to me. I look at heavy who is standing in the open door of the car and is holding a white cloth. He reaches for my duct tape mouth and I whip my head away from him not wanting to be knocked out. He grabs my head and rips off my duct tape quickly replacing it with the white cloth. I hold my breath trying to resist but soon enough cant resist any more and I breathe in. slowly going into darkness.

~~~~Author's note ~~~~~

There you go there is the 2nd chapter. so excited to where this book leads. Yah sure I have plans for it but I don't always do that sometimes I get a better idea. Thank you for reading. PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE. THANK YOU 

oh and don't be afraid to correct me grammatically I am always open to suggestions on any story I write.

Edited 2

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