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Xavier set me down on the bed I first woke up in. I sat still on the bed still sitting with my knees up to my chin and my arms wrapped around them. 

Xavier was looking at me with regret written all over his face. 

"I shouldn't have told you so soon." He said

"Why did you kidnap me?" I asked my voice trembling.

"Well in the werewolf world we have these wonderful people in our lives called soulmates. We call them mates for short." He looked at me asking if I was picking up what he was putting down. 

I just nodded my head telling him to continue. He sat down on the opposite side of the bed. 

"Well um... every werewolf has a mate chosen by the Moon Goddess her self. Every wolf finds there mate around the time they turn 17. Some are not so lucky and find theirs when yet are in their twenties. When you find your mate it is the most wonderful feeling in the world. You feel complete, like all your life you were missing another half of yourself.". He looked at me with complete and utter adoration.

"What does this have to do with you and Ducttape kidnaping us?" I asked.

"Well, yo-. Wait who is duct tape?"Oh yeah I forgot.

"Um... your kidnap buddy" Jeez I sound so stupid.

"Oh, well his name is actually Alex." Oh ok oh well.

"Why did you and Alex kidnap me and Arianna?" I asked trying to figure all this out.

"Well I kidnapped you because you are my mate, and Arianna is Alex's mate. When we saw you in the alleyway we knew you were our mates and we didn't want you guys getting away so we kidnapped you right there and then."

"How am I your mate I am completely human?" I asked.

"Well it is rare but sometimes the Moon goddess pairs a werewolf with a human because they are destined to be together."

"What about my family will I ever see them again?" I asked, my voice getting really quiet. 

"Mabey in the future sometime," He said giving me a pitying look.

"What about school am I ever going to finish school" 

" Yah, How old are you?"

"16," I said quietly.

"What grade you in?"


"Wow you are young for your grade,  You will be a grade under me I am 18 and in 12th grade." 


" Are y-" He was going to ask something but Arianna and Alex burst into the room. Arianna runs to me and hugs me. I am really confused because it is usually the other way around. 

"Are you ok?" she asked with a very worried face on.

"Yah?" Well, I am sorta ok because I am still am being held hostage and I can't see my family or the rest of my friends. but at least I know why and kinda understand what he is talking about.

"Did Alex tell you what they are yet and why we are here?" I asked just making sure we are all on somewhat of the same page.

"What do you mean 'what are they'?"She said getting suspicious. Oh crap, he didn't tell her yet well this is going to go downhill really fast.

I look at Alex awkwardly saying sorry with my eyes. 

"Well um...we are werewolves?" Alex said more as a question. 

"What do you mean werewolves? There is no such thing as werewolves." Arianna said staring at Alex like she needs to send him to the doctor for some mental help. 

"Well, I and Bella will be downstairs if you need us. Um... Alex, you have fun." He said and Alex gave us the most pleading eyes I have ever seen. He didn't want to be here alone with her. To be honest I wouldn't want to explain it to her either. 

Xavier grabbed my hand and dragged me downstairs. Arianna not caring because she is still trying to figure out if Alex is mental or not. 

"You hungry?" Xavier asked.


"I am going to make some grilled cheese and tomato soup if that is alright with you?"

"Yah, I am fine with that," I said. standing in the doorway of the kitchen not knowing what I am supposed to do. He must have realized that I didn't know what to do because he gestured towards the stool next to the island. 

"Where were we with the questions. Um oh yeah... do yo-" He got cut off by a scream coming from upstairs. I turned around on the stool and looked towards the stairs. Ohh twisty stools I could get used to this. Anyway back to the story. When I looked up the stairs I saw a very confused and scared looking Arianna running down the stairs right towards me. With a wolf running after her. 

She makes it to me and grabs my hand. She then starts dragging me towards the door. 

"We need to leave now otherwise we are going to be eaten alive by a very hungry wolf," she says still dragging me towards the door. She was opening the door when a hand slammed the door shut. We both looked back and saw the arm was attached to a very angry Alex with a Xavier right behind him that was as angry.

There finished that chapter. I am so sorry that only 1\2 of the chapter showed up. I was kinda mad too because I had to rewrite it all because my computer decided to delete it. But it is now up and I hope you liked it. 

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