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Crap I am so dead.

" We should go back inside and wait for Jim to get back" I groaned not wanting to go back inside. I really hate pink. And I don't like attention you know how much attention I would get if I did wear it around the mall and hop around like a bunny. My gosh my legs are going to hurt so much after this.

Once we got back inside I saw Arianna in a pink bunny suit. She was glarrring daggers at a smirking Alex. I swear if you could shot daggers with your eyes he would be 6 ft underground a long time ago.

"Come on you look cute." Alex said.

"You call me cute one more time I will fricken stab a fudging knife through your eyes." By the way those were not the words she used lets just say that she used very colorful words instead but I changed them for yourr on saftey. anyway, Yah I am turning around now. Mabey no one will notice.

I run into the kitchen and go in the cupborad under the island. Ha Ha I defeated the hades span.

Soon enough my little party got ended by the cupboard door yanking open. I grabbed the nearest thing next to me to defend my self and low and behold guess what is was. I don't know if your guessing or not but if you guessed a washcloth you are the winner. A prize goes to the person without a wash cloth trying to defend them selves.

I then remembered how my dad and me played a game of whip each other with a towel around the kitchen. No? oh then it must just be my family. Anyway I start to whip him with the towel to give me time to run.

He backs up and lets me out of the cupboard. I get up with the towel still in hand holding in a whip ready position.
I back up towards the kitchen door keeping my eyes on Xavier who is smirking at me. My luck has just ran out today.

I run straight into a hard chest. I whip my head back to see Alex towering over me. son of a cracker.

"Where do you think your going?" He said with a smirk.

All of a sudden I am thrown over Xavier's shoulder. He flipping ditracted me. I look straight ahead and see Alex smirking at me while waving behind us. You have to be fudging me. I am going to help Arianna plan his funeral.

"Hey! Arianna I call his left eye!!!" I say. Teaming up with her. I soon hear laughing from the other room. I also feel Arumble go through my stomach from Xavier chuckling.

"Shut up. Your next" I say slapping him upside the head. That only made him laugh harder. He started to walk up the stairs towards the bedroom and I don't know if you have ever been over someone's shoulder while they are going up staris you should be thankful. Because oh my gosh it looks like you are falling face first down the stairs.

I grabbed onto Xaviers head and scooted down his body so that my legs were around his waist.

"You know I won't drop you" He said while wrapping his arms around me holding me up.

" Umm... I think I will trust that you won't drop me when I am safely on the groung with no brusies." I say still looking at the side of his head. Eww he needs to clean his ears.

Eventully get to 'my' bedroom. He sets me on the bed and picks up the bunny costume haning on the chair near the desk. He throws it at me and hands me my bra and underwear from the first time I changed here. They must have finaily got down with the wash. I blush and grab them from him.

I stand up walking towards the bathroom but the bathroom door is locked. I turn and loook back at him and see him smirkinig at me.

" Do you think I would trust you to not go out that window again. I don't think so, you will have to change in here."

I wait for him to leave but he dosen't

"I am not changing with you in here." I say already red as a tomato.

" Umm... I think you are. " He says while turning around. I cross my arms across my chest and sit back down on the bed. I said I was not changing with him in the room, and when I say somthing I don't back down unless I want to. Yah Yah I know I am stubborn I have been that way sense I was little I get it from my dad.

I know I know bad spot to end but I still have lots of things to do and where I live it is already 8:30 and I have to wake up at 5:00 anyway I will get you the next chapter on saterday. i am going to start this question thing just for fun and because I want to.



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