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Ok I am back my gerbil we found out is blind and very dehydrated. So I know have to put a syringe in his mouth and let him drink because he can't find his water and when I put it by him he gets scared and he will only eat lettuce so I am still really worried about him because he is walking lopsided and being weird like jumping out of my hands after he falls asleep in my hands and other things like that but I at least know what's wrong with him now.

I hope you enjoy todays chapter sorry I didn't post Tuesday or Monday.

I jumped up when I felt something wet rub against my cheek. My eyes shot open and I looked over to see Xavier smirking at me. I wiped off what was on my cheek and glared at him.

"Did you just lick me!?" I said getting more frustrated. I don't like being woken up in the first place let alone being licked.

He just smirked at me leaning in to lick me again.

"Heck No." I said opening the car door and slamming it in Xavier's face. He looked at me as if he has been betrayed. I just stood there smirking when I realized we were at the mall. Man why couldn't the car ride be like 3 years long. I absolutely hate the mall.

I looked back at the car to see that Arianna and Alex were not in the car. I looked back at Xavier to see him getting out of the car. He must have seen me look for Arianna and Alex because he walks up to me.

"They went inside so that you could sleep longer and plus they kept wanting to wake you up by opening the door and letting you fall out of the car sense you were leaned against the window. "

I nodded understanding. I started to walk back towards the car to finish the nap that I was so rudely awakened from. I was then grabbed by the hand and dragged towards the entrance of the mall. Why!!! I want to sleep.

Xavier started to chuckle. I soon realized that I had said that out loud.

" Why do we need to go shopping!!!" I whined really wanting to go sleep.

"Because every one needs to see you in your bunny suit and plus you need more clothes. "He said matter of factly.

"No I don't need any more clothes and people don't need to see me." I said trying to walk back towards the car only to have my arm ripped back towards the mall again.

We were soon in the mall walking around. Have I told you guys how much I hate the mall yet. Because apparently big guy over here does not get how much I hate the mall.

I was soon dragged into a store that I have never been in before. Victoria Secret. Sorry but I wear the bras and underwear from Walmart you now the bras in the little girls aisle with underwear and bras and socks. Well yah that's where I get my things I have never been in this store no matter how many times anyone has tried to bring me into that store.

I grabbed onto the wall of the entrance and held on for dear life while Xavier tried to get me in the store.

"Come on it is not that bad just let go of the wall." Xavier said while pulling on my legs trying to get me in the store.

"No, can't we just go to Walmart or something like that?" I asked.

"Have you never been here?" He asks letting go of my legs which makes me fall to the ground.

"No I haven't these bras are uncomfortable."I say quietly. I personally don't like to talk about bras and stuff except with my close close friends I don't even talk to my mom about them without blushing.

"Um... well I guess we could go to Walmart." He said sounding awkwardly.

We walk into Walmart and look around. 

I grab what we need from Walmart and go up to the checkout

After paying for everything Xavier gets a text from Alex that says to meet us at the food court. We then start to head that way.

this chapter was kinda boring. It was mostly a filler chapter. I will update again on Saturday.


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