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I woke up feeling nice and warm in my bed. As I started to sit up and stretch, my arm yanked back down. I opened my eyes and looked around but I didn't see my nice light blue curtains and my Dark blue comforter. I look at my arm to see my right arm handcuffed to the headboard. 

Everything started to hit me like a ton of bricks after that. I started to panic and look for a way out. I got off the bed with my hand still handcuffed to the bed. I got a rush of cold air on my arms. I look at what I am wearing and see I am in my Tank top and jeans from yesterday I look around for my sweatshirt and see it hung on the door handle.

I went back to looking for a way out and how to get my hand uncuffed. the handcuff has like a foot long of chain so, it is not like I am stuck directly to the headboard. I am to busy looking for a way to get the handcuff off I don't hear the door open. I opened the nightstand drawer before I hear someone clear their throat. 

I look behind me and see Heavy the guy who had kidnapped me yesterday. He starts to walk towards me and I put my head down trying not to make eye contact I shrink down and lean against the nightstand wishing to be anywhere but here. My hair cascades around me and acts as a shield. I squeeze my eyes shut, wishing it was just a bad dream and that I will wake up and see all my animals and family. 

I feel my hair moved out of my face and a hand caress my check. 

"Open your eyes." I shake my head and keep my eyes shut afraid that this is not a dream. 

"Please open your eyes," He says heavenly. His voice full of emotion, guilt, sorrow. I open my eyes and look at him. His eyes are a dark green with gold specks running through them. 

"What's your name?" He asked slowly and calmly.

"Bella," I say barely above a whisper. 

"Do you want something to eat or drink?" He asked I was about to shake my head, no, not wanting to be drugged again but my stomach had other plans. It growled as loud as it could have. Thanks, thanks a lot stomach. I am guessing he is not going to take no for an answer now.

I look back at him and see him smirking at me. 

" I am going to take the handcuffs off of you know. you have to stay next to me. ok?"

I nod my head, yes not knowing what else to do.

I hear the jingle of keys and soon my hand is free. He stands up and He tells me to follow him. We walk out of the bedroom door and I soon hear a familiar scream coming from the room at the end of the hall. I take off in that direction, I almost forgot about her. I run in to see Duct tape standing by the bed. I run and jump onto the bed and grab on to Arianna. I cry onto her shoulder as she comforts me she has always been like an older sister to me. 

I hear heavy footsteps coming towards the door and soon see Heavy come through the door looking worried. Duct tape walks to Heavy and stands next to him. 

"We are not going to hurt you," Heavy said walking towards us. 

"Stay Back!!!" Arianna yells. I look at her and see tears streaming down her face too. 

I am pretty sure they gave up and left the room because I heard the door softly shut. Soon enough I and Arianna were falling asleep.

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My Mate/Kidnapper (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now