"Chapter 3 <3"

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Timeskip.. after class..


"Finally! Class is over!" I said to Rico.

"You're right! Let's go." Rico said then we went to the Music Lab.

"Good afternoon boys!" Tony greeted as he waved at us.

"Uh.. good afternoon sir!" Me and Rico greeted as Rico closed the door.

"Please sit down as we wait for the others." Tony said then we nodded and sat down.

As we sat down, someone opened the door.

"We're sorry if we're late, sir." Two girls said.

Me and Rico looked at them then they looked at us back.

"No it's fine girls, please sit down." Tony said then they didn't respond.

"Okay, um.. why aren't you sitting down?" He asked then they still didn't respond.

"Sit down!" He shouted as he banged the cymbals then we all snapped out.

"Alright now, please sit down." He said then the girls sat down.

"Alright everyone, let me introduce myself." He said.

"My name is Tony Cavalero, the head teacher of the Music class in this school."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Cavalero!" The four of us said.

"Alright, it's your turn to introduce yourselves." He said.

"Um.. boys please introduce yourselves." He said then me and Rico stood up.

"Hi! I am Ricardo." Rico said.

"I am Lance." Lance said.

"And we're both 17 years old." The both of us said.

"Nice to meet you Ricardo and Lance, please sit down." Tony said then we sat down.

"Girls, please introduce yourselves." He said then the girls stood up.

"Hi! I am Jade." The blonde-hair girl said.

"I am Breanna." The black-hair girl said.

"And we're both 17 years old." They said.

"Oh great, um.. please sit down." Tony said.

"So are the four of you siblings?" Tony asked then we looked at each other.

"No, but me and Rico are." I said.

"So as me and Jade." Brea said.

"Alright guys. So why are you registering for this Music Class?" Tony asked.

"I registered here because I love singing." Brea said.

"Because I love playing the guitar." I said.

"Because I love playing a drum." Rico said.

"And I love playing the keyboard!" Jade said.

"Amazing! Oh, and please put all your info in here." Tony said as he handed us all a piece of paper where all of us will write about our personal information.

Timeskip.. an hour later..

"Thanks guys, you may go home." Tony said then he left and I grabbed my bag.

"Rico, let's go." I said.

"Jade, let's go home." Brea said.

"Sorry I have to go somewhere. You can go home by yourself Lance.

"You too Brea or Lance can walk you home." Jade said.

"Wait, what?!" Me and Brea asked.

"You know what? I'll just go home with Lizbiz/Mason." Me and Brea said then we left Rico and Jade in the music lab.



edited: 4/11/19 ♡

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