"Chapter 16 <3"

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~next day~

Rico:I can't wait for the sleepover tonight!

Lance:Me too!

Lance:Oh good morning Lizzy!

Liz:Good morning boys.

Rico:Are you excited for the sleepover later?



Liz:Okay the truth is.. I am NOT excited.

Lance:Come on Lizzy. It's not a couple sleepover.

Liz:Yes I get it. But I don't know it's just I'm not in the mood to have sleepovers like this.

Rico:Okaayyy then. Let's eat breakfast?


~at the kitchen~

Lance:Poor Lizzy. What should we do now?

Rico:Do you think it's about Mace?

Lance:Maybe. A-ha!


Lance:I have a plan.


~(timeskip) 6pm~


Rico:They're here!


Rico opened the door.

Lance:Hey girls! Hey Mace!


Jade:Great this sleepover is gonna be fun.

Brea:Your right. This will be amazingg.

Lance:Come on in.

They went in as Lance closed the door.

Jade:Uhhh.. where's Lizzy?

Rico:Oh she's umm... upstairs at her room.

Rico:Mace can you call Lizzy to go down?

Mace:Why me?

Lance:Come on. I know you want to.

Mace:Pfft fine.

As Mace went upstairs, Rico and Lance grabbed Jade and Brea to the kitchen.

Brea:Why did you just dragged us here??

Lance:Girls,listen. Have you noticed anything about Mace?

Jade:Well, he was silent yesterday as we went home.

Rico:Lizzy too. Do you think they are already a thing?

Brea:I'm pretty sure they're aren't.

Lance:I agree with Brea.

Jade:We'll see about that.

Rico:Okay guys please help me prepare our food for dinner.




Mace:Lizzy it's Mace.



Mace opened the door.


Mace closed the door.


Mace:Okay if you don't wake up, I will-

Mace went to Lizzy and stopped. He looked at the picture frame of Lizzy hugging it.

He zoned out.

Mace:Lizzy wake up!


Mace:Whatever, I'm just going to carry you.


Mace puts out Lizzy's blanket then he carries Lizzy. Before he could open the door..


He stopped.

Liz:Daddy I miss you.

Liz:Please don't leave us.

As Lizzy said that, Mace looked at her and start getting worried about her.

Then he opened the door and went downstairs.


Lance:Mace,Lizzy where are-


Rico:Mace why did you carried Lizzy?

Jade:I know what's going on here.

Jade said as he went to Mace.

Jade:What have you done to Lizzy???

She said as she plucking Mace's hair.

Mace:Hey stop. You know I'm thinning.

Rico:Jade stop.


She said as she released.

Brea:Mace what happened to her?

Mace:Well,she was asleep so I carried her down.

Lance:Why don't you just wake her up?

Mace:I tried to.

Rico:Wait is that..

Lance:The frame.

Mace:Oh and about that-

Rico:It's nothing.

Lance:Yeah let's move on from the past and let's start eating.

They said as they took the frame and hid it.

Jade:What about Lizzy?

Liz:*yawns* What's happening?

Brea:Lizzy your awake!

Liz:Oh of course I am.

Mace:Thank goodness.

Liz:So anyways, WHAT?

Lizzy said as she looked at Mace.

Liz:What are you doing here??

Lance:Duh Liz. Remember we have a sleepover.

Liz:Well, I know that but WHY IS HE CARRYING ME?

Rico:Co'z you fell asleep and you couldn't wake up then.

Liz:Whatever. Just put me down NOW.


Mace put Lizzy down slowly.

Jade:Okay now let's eat!




AUTHOR'S NOTE: Part 2  is on the next chapter! Hope you guys enjoyy💗 Follow me for the next update❤. Don't forget to keep on reading,voting and commenting for more DRAMA and TEEN ROMANCE here in this story♡♡


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