"Chapter 5 <3"

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I went to the student council room at the third floor. Before I could go inside.

"Isn't that the guy earlier?" I mumbled then we walk towards each other.

"Are you stalking me?" Me and Lance asked.

"Oh shut up I'm not!" Me and Lance said.

"Hey stop saying what I'm saying!"

"Leave me alone girl/boy."

"No you leave me alone!" We said then we both left in seperate ways.

Timeskip.. two minutes later..

I went back to the student council.

"Ugh, you again?!" Me and Lance groaned.

"Stop stalking me, okay?" Me and Lance said.

"No, you stop!"

"No you."

"No YOU."


"Whatever." We said then we left in seperate ways again.

"Brea wait!" Lance said.

"Only my friends can call me that."   I said.

"Uhh.. we are friends." He said.

"No, we're not." I said.

"Yes, we are." He said.

"No, we're not!" I said.

"Look Brea, can we please stop fighting?" He asked.

"Look Lance, can you leave me alone?" I asked.

"Fine." He said.

"Fine." I said.

"Fine!" He said then he left me as I looked at him.

"Lance?" I said.

"What?" He asked as he stopped.

"I'm sorry." I said then he turned around.

"I forgive you, Brea." He said.

"Want a hug?" I asked.

"Sure." He said then he walk towards me.

"Ugh! I'm stuck." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"I said, I'm stuck!" He said.

"Where?" I asked as I went to Lance.

"Brea, don't-" He said as I stood infront of him.

"It's quick-dry cement.." He said.

"Wait, what?! Why did you just told me now?" I scolded.

"I was supposed to tell to you!" He said.

"I'm outta here." I said then I tried to get my foot up but it can't.

"Dang it! Now I can't go home because of you." I said.

"Me? You came to me!" He said.

"I came to you because I want to help!" I said.

"Now, there's no way we can go home anymore." He said.

"It's good, you're here with me." I said.

"What did you said?" He asked.

"I said, it's good you're here with me because if I am alone here, I will die." I said.

"Hey, don't say that." He said.

"Why not?" I asked as he was supposed to speak..

"Okay, you know what? I don't want to argue with you again. Let's just stay here." I said.

"Okay then." He said as I accidentaly put my right hand on his back.

"Lance help!!" I said.

I almost fall down, luckily, Lance caught me. As he caught me, our eyes stared at each other. Suddenly..

"Lance?! Brea?!" Jade said then we snapped out and looked at Jade.

"Ohh.. hey Jade." Me and Lance said.

"What are you doing?" Jade asked.

"We're stuck." Lance said.

"On the quick-dry cement!" I said.

"Stupid quick-dry." Jade said.

"Jade, can you help us out??" I asked.

"How??" Jade asked.

"Pull us?" Lance said.

"Pfft, why don't you guys removed your shoes instead?" Jade asked.

"Yeah, right." Me and Lance said then Jade's phone rang.

"I need to take this call, see you downstairs Bre!" Jade said.

"Jade!!" I said as she left.

"Lance?" I said.

"Lance, where are you??" I asked.

"Right here." He said as I looked down at him as he removed his laces of his shoe.

He jumped out then I looked at him.

"Uhh Lance?" I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Please." I said.

"Oh right." He said then I quickly removed my shoes then before I could..

"Lance!" I said.

Lance carried me like seriously, have you seen a boy carrying a 17 year old girl like me?

"Before you could say a thing, your welcome." He said then I chuckled.

"Oh, I gotta go." He said.

"Okay." I said.

"Hey Lance?"

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Thanks and.. nice meeting you." I said as I smiled at him.

"You too Brea." He said as he smiled back then he left.



edited: 5/14/19 ♡

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