"Chapter 7 <3"

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Recap on last chapter:

Liz:Nice meeting you Mace.

Mace:You too Lizzy.

Before she could....



Before I could go.. four people went to us. They made me walk backwards too.



ALL:What are you doing  here?

ALL:Stop saying what WE'RE saying!

ALL:Guys like seriously.

Jade:First thing's first, Mace are you... dating her?


Liz:Well Rico, Are you dating her?


Brea:Mace seriously, how did you know her?

Mace:Okay fine. We got locked in the student council room.

Lance:Then why didn't you told us?

Liz:We were supposed to but you guys end the call.

Mace:So Brea... how did you guys met?

Brea:Me and Lance were supposed to inside the student council.

Lance:Instead we were stuck in the stupid quick-dry cement.

Liz:So that's why you don't have shoes on,right Lance?

Lance:I take that as a yes.

Liz:How did you guys met Rico?

Rico:Well Brea and Lance left us then we met.

Jade:So anyways let's do a short introduction then. I am Jade.

Liz:Nice meeting  you Jade! I am Lizzy just call me Liz. And I am the oldest of us three.

I pointed at Rico and Lance.

Mace:Okay Liz.

Liz:And ONLY chosen people can call me Liz.

Brea:Nice meeting you Lizzy! I am Breanna just call me Brea.

Mace:And I am Mace,the oldest sibling of us three.

Mace pointed at Jade and Brea.

Rico:Nice meeting you Mace! I am Ricardo just call me Rico.

Lance:And lastly I am Lance.

Mace:Great meeting you guys.

Brea:Oh what about let's hang out tomorrow after school?

Liz:Great idea Bre!

Rico:It's getting late.

Jade:Us too.

Lance:Yeah goodbye guys!


Jade:Mace let's go.

Mace:Okay coming.

Mace:Lizzy wait.


Mace:I guess you left your bracelet in the student council room.

He said as he gaved me my bracelet.

Liz:Thanks Mace. Bye!


Then we left.


AUTHOR'S NOTE:Okay I gotta ask.. what will happen in tomorrow's hang out?

Tbh, I wrote four chapters in one day. It's kinda pretty tired but fun😂.

Don't forget to keep on reading,voting and commenting for more DRAMA and TEEN ROMANCE here♡♡


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