"Chapter 17 <3"

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Okay you've got to be kidding me! Did he just carried me without an apology? I mean. Yeah I am so overeacting right now.

~(timeskip) after dinner~

We all went to Rico and Lance's room.

Jade:That food was so good.

Brea:Yeah thanks boys.

Lance:Anything for our girlfriends.

Lance flirted at Brea as she giggled.

Rico:Anyways, what should we do now?

Jade:Let's a play a game!

Lance:What about a Dare game?

Mace:What the heck Lance. That is so 2016.

Brea:Who cares if it's 'so 2016'?

Rico:Come on who's in?

ALL except Liz&Rico:I'm in!

Liz:I'm not joining.

Lance:Come on Liz. You used to love this game since we were younger.

Brea:Come on Liz. Pleaseee.


Jade:Alright, Lance I dare you to make Brea blush like yesterday.

Lance:That's easy.

I rolled my eyes like really?

Lance:Brea you were the most beautiful girl I've ever met. You made me smile even though you are sometimes annoying. I love you Brea.

Brea starts blushing and Lance hugged her.

Jade:Awww I told you Breance is real.

Liz:Pfft. Whatever.

Brea:Jade I dare you to kiss Rico.

Mace:What the heck Bre-Bre!


*kisses Rico*

Rico:Okay now it's time.

They looked at... me or me and Mace?

L&M:Oh no no no NO.

Jicardo&Breance:Oh yes yes yes YES.

Jade:I dare you Mace to sleep at Lizzy's room.


B&L&R:*smirks at Mizzy*

Mace:What kind of dare is that!

Brea:Come on I know you guys want it.

Rico:Just don't do anything stupid.

Liz:Shut up Rico.

Lance:So we're done here!


Rico:Okay you guys may go now. It's bedtime.

B&J&L:Goodnight Mizzy!

L&M:Shut up!

They dragged us to  my room. Dangit why him again?

~inside Lizzy's room~

Liz:Now we're stuck again!

Mace:Maybe their right. It's just one night.

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