"Chapter 10 <3"+ A GAME?!

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(Go ask me ANY ANY  ANY QUESTIONS IN THE COMMENT SECTION and I will answer and explain why

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(Go ask me ANY ANY  ANY QUESTIONS IN THE COMMENT SECTION and I will answer and explain why. After you commented, you may now proceed to the story💘. Enjoyy)

"#Breance Moment♡♡"

Lance:Hey Brea?


Lance:I have something for you.

Brea:What is it?

Lance:Just come.


Me and Brea went to a store. After what happened last Tuesday, I decided to buy her a new shoes.

Brea:What are we doing here?

Lance:Buying you a new shoe.

Brea:Wait me?


Brea:Lance you don't need to. I have alots of shoes in my house.

Lance:Then let's add one.

Brea:Lance no.

Lance:Breanna yes.

Brea:I said no.

Lance:Come on plss.

I gaved her my puppy eyes.


Lance:YESSS! Let's go then.

I grabbed Brea's hand.

Lance:Go ahead and choose a shoe.

Brea:Hmmm.. I want that galaxy one.

Lance:Okay. Go and fit it in.


Brea:It fits me.

Lance:Are you sure you want that one?


Lance:Your choice.

Brea:Fine. I'm honest. I don't wear sneakers like this.

Lance:What about you buy this instead?

I show her a necklace.

Brea:It's... beautiful.

Brea:I'll take this.

Lance:Okay let's go to the cashier then.

~at the cashier~

Brea:How much that costs?

Cashier:15 dollars.

Brea:Ummm.. Miss? Can I pay later?

Cashier:I'm sorry Miss. I already punched it.


Cashier:What did you  said?



Brea:Hey let me-

I went to Brea.

Lance:Miss! Please let go of her.

Cashier:Okay then.

Lance:Please include this too.

Cashier:30 dollars all in all.

I gaved the cashier some 30 dollars.


~outside the store~

Brea:Why on earth you left me in there?

Lance:I decided to buy my own necklace too.

Brea:And why did you decided to?

Lance:Because I want a necklace that match us both.

Brea:Oh  shut up Lance.

Lance:Seriously. Here.

I put her necklace on. Then I put my necklace on too.

Lance:A necklace for you Bre-Bre.

Brea:Tha- what did you said?

Lance:Bre-Bre. Isn't it a cool nickname?

Brea:No it's not.

Lance:Yes it is.





Brea:Whatever Lan-Lan.

Lance:Oh shut up girl.

Brea:No you shut up.

Lance:No you.

Brea:No you.

Lance:No YOU.

Brea:No YOU.

Lance:Whatever girl.

Brea:Whatever boy.

She said as she turned around. Then I carried her.


Brea:Lance put me down!!

Lance:Your lucky Brea.

Brea:Don't call me lucky Lance. Just put. Me. Down!





Lance:Fine just one condition.


Lance:Go out with me tomorrow.

Brea:Woah Lance we just met up.

Lance:Come on it's not a date.

Brea:Fine! But let's keep it a secret okay?

Lance:I promise.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: #Breance 💓. Sorry if this kinda sucks. Enjoy the next chaptersss


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