"Chapter 23 <3"

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Brea and Lance grabbed me and they dragged me to the locker rooms.


Lance:Liz we're sorry if we dragged you like that.

I didn't looked at them. I looked down and tears were streaming in my face.

Liz:It's not your fault guys.

Lance:Lizzy are you crying?

I quickly wiped my tears.

Brea:Lizzy why are you crying?

I looked at them.

Liz:Lucky for you guys. You guys are now a couple.

Brea:What does that even mean?

Liz:I.... like Mace actually.

Lance:You what??

Liz:You heard me. I like Mace.

Liz:But I was jealous. He was with another girl.

Tears starts to fall off in my face.

Brea:Lizzy we're sorry about... him.

Liz:It's not your fault. You guys are now a couple. You guys like each other.

Lance:We know that Lizzy. You might find a better man. Like me for Brea.

He said as he smiled at Brea.

Brea:Stay strong Lizzy. Remember that.

She said as she rub my back with her hand. Then we three hugged.


Jade:Mace stop!

Rico:Mace stop running!

I stopped and turned around at them.

Mace:I give up. Lizzy doesn't like me as I like her.

Rico:You like my sister??


Jade:Why didn't you told her?

Mace:I was supposed to.

Rico:Mace stay strong.

Mace:Never. You guys are now a couple unlike me and Liz are not.

Rico:Why are you saying that?

Mace:Coz the truth is... I like Lizzy.


Jade:Look, Mace we know that. Tell Lizzy how you feel.

Mace:How? She is now with that blonde boy.

Jade:Maybe they're just friends.

Mace:Jade. They kissed!

Rico:Mace chill down. Just tell how you feel about  Lizzy you  know maybe she will change her mind.

I sat down.

Mace:Maybe her heart doesn't want what it wants.

Jade and Rico sat beside me.

Jade:Mace everything will be alright.

Rico:Yeah. Just stay strong. Remember that.

~(timeskip) AFTER CLASS~


Me and Brea are going with  Lizzy.

Lance:What about we go to Starbucks then?

Brea:Yayyy starbucks!


Lizzy isn't still in the mood.

~at Starbucks~

Brea:What do you want Lizzy?

Liz:Pink drink with less ice.

Lance:Okay. You girls sit down while I will fall in line.

Brea:Thanks babe.

I kissed Brea's cheek then I left.


Liz:My brother is so sweet to you.

Brea:I know right.

She said as she giggled.

Brea:By the way Liz.. sorry about my  brother.

Liz:It's fine Brea. I know he will ever not like me.

Brea:Lizzy I know Mace. He is such a sweet and caring boy. He never make girls jealous.

Liz:My brother is too. Your lucky Brea.

Brea:Thanks Liz. I bet you will be lucky soon too when the right boy comes to your life.

I smiled. Then Lance arrived.

Lance:Here are your drinks ladies.


We said as we grabbed our drinks then Lance sat down.

Liz:Uhh.. Lance where is your drink?

Brea:It's fine Liz. We will be sharing the same drink.

Lance:Don't worry Liz on being the thirdwheel here.

Liz:Ha-ha nice one Lance.

I said as I rolled my eyes then they laughed.


We went to Starbucks with Mace.

Mace:Starbucks? Seriously?

Jade:Come on Macey.

Mace:Don't call me that.

Rico:Whatever Mason.

Mace:Shut up.

Then they took a seat.

Jade:You boys sit down while I will fall in line.

Rico:Are you sure with that babe?

Jade:Of course it's just a short line.

Rico:Thanks babe.

I kissed her cheek then she left.


Mace:Your so sweet to my sister.

Rico smirked.

Rico:Of course I am.

Rico:Anyways, sorry about awhile ago Mace.

Mace:It's fine Rico. Your lucky because you have Jade.

Rico:Someday Mace, a right girl will come to your life example like Jade. She was the perfect girl.

Mace:*smiles* Your so funny Rico.

Rico:No I'm serious Mace. Trust me.

I smiled as Jade returned with excitement.

Jade:Boys here are your drinks!!

Rico:Babe why are you so excited?

Jade:Breance are here with Lizzy!

Mace:With who now?



AUTHOR'S NOTE:Gosh. Okay moments will happen, when? Oh yeah! In  the next chapter💘 keep catching for more chapters💕



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