"Chapter 19 <3"

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~next day~


Good morning! I woke up and looked at Jade if she's still asleep. Yep she is. I jumped out of my bed and went downstairs to prepare our breakfast.


Rico:Cereal for breakfast!

Then someone went downstairs.

Rico:Oh your awake huh?

Jade:Yeah. I have a great sleep.

She said as she went to me.

Jade:Ooohh cereal huh?

Rico:Yeah. Actually, Lizzy does prepare breakfast for us. But since she's still asleep-

Breance:Hey guys!


Brea:Ooohh breakfast is now ready?

She said as she and Lance went to us.

Jade:Not yet. But almost.

Lance:Wait Rico. Why are you the one who prepares breakfast for us?

Rico:Why not?

Lance:But Lizzy used to prepares breakfast for us all, right?

Brea:Wait they're still asleep?

Jade:You mean Mace and Lizzy?

Brea:Yeah. I wonder what they did last night.


I lied.

Lance:Let's go and check them out!

They all went upstairs to Lizzy's room.

Rico:Hey wait for me!

I ran to them.

~outside Lizzy's room~

Brea:Alright in a count of three, we will open the door.



Rico:One.. open!

We opened the door and went inside.

Jade:Uhhh.. guys?

Jade:Mace is not in his sleeping bed!

Lance:So does Lizzy.

Rico:Maybe they're not on their sleeping bags.

Brea:Lizzy's bed!

We all went to the side of Lizzy's bed.

ALL:Good morning lovebirds!


ALL:Omg the house is on fire!

ALL:The floor is lava!!

Rico:They won't wake up!

Lance:Your right what should we do now??

Brea:Do you  think their alive??

Jade:Guys! Of course they're alive. Why don't we just grabbed the blanket instead?

B&L&R:Ohhh.. yeah right.




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