"Chapter 8 <3"

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Today is Thursday. Yayy school day. I really don't like what happened last Tuesday. My head still hurts a bit tho.

L&R:Good morning Liz!

Liz:Good morning boys!

I said as I sat down.

Liz:Is this...

Rico:Yeah. Dad's favorite breakfast.

Lance:Come on eat.


Allison:Good morning seniors!

ALL except Allison:Good morning Mom!

Allison:I have some news.

Lance:Great. Tell us.

Allison:Tomorrow, I am going back to Paris.


Liz:Woahhh that's amazing Mom!

Allison:Thanks honey. And if I get accepted there, I will work in Paris.

Lance:For how long?

Allison:Maybe a year.

Liz:But... what about us Mom?

Allison:Come on Honey. You guys are older now.

Rico:Mom's right Lizzy.

Lance:So if you get accepted, you will be back here right?

Allison:I don't know yet.

Allison:But if I get accepted, Lizzy are you responsible to take care of your brothers?

Liz:I guess so..

Allison:Okay then. Let's start eating!


Allison:Oohh what's for breakfast?

Mom's leaving to Paris tomorrow? Oh come on.

~(timeskip)at school~


B&J:Hey Liz!

They came to me.

Liz:Oh hey girls!

Brea:We have a question for you..


Jade:Do you like our brother?

Liz:You mean... Mace?


Liz:No I don't.

Brea:Great that's actually the answer we are looking for.

Jade:Alright see you at the canteen.

They left with me thinking "What's up with them?"

~at the canteen~

L&R:Lizzy over here!

My brothers waved at me.

Then I went to their table as I sat down.

Jade:Who's excited for our hang out later??

ALL except Jade&Lizzy:Yeah!

Mace:Lizzy aren't you excited?

Liz:Of course I am..

Brea:I bet she's hiding something.

Lance:Lizzy what's wrong?

Rico:You've been quiet since this morning.

Lance:I know Lizzy. She might be not in the mood right now.

Jade:Your right. Anyways..

They started talking and laughing with me being silent here.

It's kinda awkward right?

~(timeskip) after class~

Brea:Let's go guys!

Brea went to us five.

Lance:Alright first stop, let's go and get some snacks.

Then we all looked at Lance with a confused face.

Lance:What? I am hungry right now.

Rico:Alright next stop is the movies.

Jade:Then third stop, will be a couple hang out.

Mace:A.. what now?

Jade:You know you guys will be hang out together. Like you and Lizzy.

Liz:Woah woah woah. Why us?

Brea:Because you guys look cute together.

Liz:Oh shut up..

Rico:Come on sis. This is not a date. Just a hang out.

Jade:So are you in?

Liz:Fine I am. Just promise me this is ONLY a hang out.



Liz:Okay let's go then.

ALL except Liz:Oh yeah!


AUTHOR'S NOTE:Moments are waiting for you! Stay tuned. Don't forget to keep on reading,voting and commenting for more DRAMA and TEEN ROMANCE here♡♡


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