"Chapter 31 <3"

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"Gosh. Where am I???" I asked myself. Then I tried pulling myself up.

Dang it! I can't I am stuck with this duct tape around me.

"What happened last night??"

Then someone knocked the window infront of me. It was Rico.

Rico:Jade is here!

He yelled then Mace and Lance came.

Lance:Oh no. She is trapped.

Lance said as he pointed at me.

Mace:Let's open the door.

But it won't open. I keep on moving for me to get out.

Rico:Don't worry Jade. We're gonna let you out there.

I tried to scream but the duct tape is shutting my mouth.

Then later, the boys opened the door. Mace and Lance quickly went to me then they unwrapped me.

Jade:Let's get out of here.

They nodded then they went out.  As I went out, Rico grabbed me then we kissed.

We then released.

Rico:Babe are you okay? Are you hurt??

He said as he fixed my hair.

Jade:Don't worry babe. I'm fine.

Lance:Okay enough of this. We should find the others fast!

Rico:Over there!

We all ran to the van in the parking lot.

As we arrived there, we saw Brea trying to scream.

Mace:Brea is here!

Mace said as he pointed at her.

Lance:We will get you out there boops.

Rico tried to open the door.

Rico:It's locked.

Then we noticed Brea pointing at her right side with her shoulder.

Lance:That way!

We went to the other side then we open it as me and Rico went inside and unwrapped Brea. Then we went out.


Lance embraced Brea for a hug.

Lance:Boops are you okay??

Brea:*sighs* I'm fine. Don't worry.

Then they kissed.

Jade:Okay can you guys do this later?

Then they released.


They said as they released.

Rico:We should get to Lizzy now!

Mace:Ugh where could she be?

Brea:I think I know where.

Lance:How could you be so sure that she is there?

We then to the other gray van on the rooftop.

Mace:Is she here?

Brea:I hope so.

She said as we all ran to the gray van.

Jade:Damn. The Coyotes are there.

Mace:The who now?

Brea:We will explain later.

Lance:I have a plan. Me,Brea and Jicardo will let the Coyotes' out of the van. Then you Mason get your girl.

Rico:Alright. Let's go!


Me,Lance and Jicardo went seperate ways as Mace hid somewhere.

Brea:Heyyy Coyotes!

I said as I knocked at the window.

They all turned around and they gasped.

BOYS:Get her!

All of them went out. Then they saw Lance,Jade and Rico.

They pushed me and Jade down.


Maddie:Oh it's good to see you again babyy.

Jada:Ooohh babe. Did you miss me?

Jade ran to her and slapped her on the face while I give Mace a signal.


Johnny:Ooohh Brea. How is your fucking sleep last night?

Brea:Shut up JOHNNY BOY.

Jacob:Hey bitch. How's last night?

Rico:Don't call my girl like that!

Then we all start punching, slapping and fighting at each other.


AUTHOR'S NOTE:Leaving it a little bit cliffhanger! Catch more DRAMA and TEEN ROMANCE in the next chapters😍



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