"Chapter 22 <3"

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I was at the locker rooms then I saw Jicardo and Breance hugging. Then I remembered what happened the other night.


Mace:If you need anything, I'm always here for you.

Liz:Your right Mace.

Liz:Thanks Mace.

Mace:Your welcome Lizzy.



I turned around and it was..

Mace:Oh hey Jordyn.

Jordyn:I'm sorry if I scared you tho.

Mace:Hehe. Nah you didn't.

Jordyn:By the way, I need help from you if it is okay.


Then we went to the canteen.


I was sitting in the chair waiting for them(again). Then someone went to me.


I looked at him and it was..

Liz:Oh hey Carson!

Carson:May I join you?


I smiled then he sat down.

Carson:How are you btw?

Liz:I'm fine. You?


Carson:So are you going to baking class later?


We smiled. Then I noticed him looking at his right side.

Liz:Uhh.. what are you looking at?

Carson:Oh I'm looking for someone.

Liz:Oh okay.

Well me too. I'm looking for them too. Where are they?


Me and Jordyn sat down.

Mace:So Jordyn.. where are the other girls?

She didn't answer.


Jordyn:Oh I'm sorry. What?

Mace:What are you looking at?

Jordyn:Just looking for someone.

Then speaking of 'someone'. Where are they??


Carson looked back at me.

Carson:Hey Lizzy?


Carson:I have something to tell you.


Lizzy nodded.

Carson:I like someone right now.

Liz:Oohh that's cool. Who is it?


Jordyn:Hey Mace?


Jordyn:I like someone right now.

Mace:Oohh that's amazing. Who is it?


Carson:It's the girl with dirty blonde hair with a beautiful face.

Lizzy looked at him.

Lizzy:Haha. Your silly. I like you too Carson as friends only.

Carson stood up and sit beside Lizzy.

Carson:It's kinda more than that.

Lizzy looked at him again.

Liz:What do you-

Carson grabs Lizzy and he kissed her as he put his hand on Lizzy's hair.


Mace look around and saw....

Lizzy and Carson kissing. He was jealous and looked back at Jordyn.

Jordyn:It's you Mace.

Mace looked at Jordyn.

Mace:What do you mean? There's no like like.

He said as Jordyn stood up and sit beside him.

Jordyn:There's always a like like, Macey.

Jordyn grabbed Mace and she kissed him as she starts moaning.


Lizzy opened her eyes and saw Mace and Jordyn kissing. She was jealous and she pulled away.

Lizzy:*sighs* Carson..


Mace pulled away too.

Mace:*sighs* Jordyn..



????:Get 'em!!

Brea and Lance grabbed Lizzy while Jade and Rico grabbed Mace at the same time.

Then they left.

C&J:Urgh. We're not done yet.


AUTHOR'S NOTE:Ooops.. What's happening? Catch more here in this story💘



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