"Chapter 9 <3"

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They all went to a snack bar near the movies.

Jade:Omg this is my favorite snack bar here in LA.

Brea:Same here.

They high-fived. Then they all went inside.

Liz:Wait. So who is gonna pay our snacks?

BOYS:We will.


Liz:Why don't we pay it buy ourselves instead?

Lance:Come on Lizzy. We are gentlmen.

Rico:And also, Mace is going to pay for you.

We looked at each other.

Brea:Come on Lizzy.

Jade:Yeah pleaaseeee.


Mace:Yes! Thanks Liz.

Then we girls sat down as the boys fall in line to buy our snacks.


Mace:Here are your snacks girls.

B&J:Thanks Boys!

L&R:No problem.


Mace:No problem.

The girls grabbed their snacks.

Then Lance sat down beside Brea, while Rico sat down beside Jade,and lastly Mace sat down beside Lizzy.

Liz:Is this cheese burger?

Mace:Yes your favorite. Rico and Lance told me.

Jade:Is this sandwich?

Lance:Oh yes it is. Mace told me it's your fav.

Brea:Woahhh spaghetti!

Rico:I knew it is your favorite. Mace told me so.

They all took a bite of their snack.

Jade and Brea enjoyed their snack, same as the boys too. Lizzy on the other hand, runs away.

Why? Let's check it out.

Liz:Oh no.

*runs away*

Jade:What's going  on  with Lizzy?


Lance:Oh no. Rico maybe there was hot sauce on it.

Rico:Wait hot sauce?! Lizzy wait!

Rico rans to Lizzy.


Mace rans to Lizzy too.

Jade:Ricardo come back!

Jade also rans to them too.

Brea:Don't tell me your going too.

Lance:If you won't.


I ran to the bathroom as I spit out what I just ate.




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