"Chapter 11 <3"

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"Mizzy Moment"


Me and Mace went to the mall.



Liz:In many places here in LA, why in the mall?

Mace:Oh you want to take it seriously huh?

Liz:No I don't. But if we get caught by them, It will kill me.

Mace:Come on Lizzy. Don't be such a scaredy cat.

Liz:Don't call me that Mason.

Mace:Shut up Lizbiz.

Liz:Argghh. Whatever. So what are we doing here?

Mace:Want to go to Starbucks?

Liz:WHAT?! I don't have money to-

Mace grabbed my hand then we went to Starbucks.

Mace:What do you want Lizbiz?

Liz:*rolls eyes* I want the pink drink one with less ice and no coffee with it.


Mace:The line is long tho. You sit down while I'll fall in line here.


I sat down at the chair.




Mace:Why do you put less ice on your drink?

Lizzy:I have my ways Mason.

Mace:Don't call me that Lizbiz.

Lizzy:Don't you DARE call me Lizbiz, Mason.

Mace:Shut up Lizbiz.

Lizzy:Shut up Mason.


Lizzy:I give up.

Mace:What do you mean?

I grabbed my drink then I left Mace. I wasn't in the mood.... about something I think you may  know.

~outside the mall~

Mace:Liz wait!

I heard his voice behind me. I stopped and turned around at him.

Liz:I give up on this hang out. I quit!

As I turned around...

Mace:Lizzy are you okay?

Mace:Why are you acting so strange this whole day?

Mace:Lizzy tell me.

I paused. I wanted to cry right now but I can't..

Liz:Leave me alone Mace.

I left him as I went home. I was so depressed. And it's not because of him or the hang out. It's about something that shatters my heart 7 years ago.

~at home~


Liz:Mom I'm home!


Then I saw a note in the living room chair. Then I grabbed it and it says..

"Hi Honey! I miss you so much. My friend just picked me up now(2pm).
I am going to France later evening. I will call you okay? I love you sweetie♡.

I sat down at the chair. I feel like tears are streaming now in my face.

Then someone knocked the door..


Liz:Who is it??


I quickly wiped my tears then I went to the door to open it.

L&M:What are you doing here?

Mace:Fine.. you first.

Liz:Mace why are you here?

Mace:Your brothers texted me your address then I went here.

Liz:To what?

Mace:Just checking on you.

Liz:Fine you can come in.

He went in then I closed the door.

Mace:Lizzy  why  are you here then?

Liz:I was... sad.


Liz:I said I was fine.

Mace:Did you just cried?

He said as I sat down at the chair.


Mace:Yes you just did.

Liz:Fine. I was crying.


Liz:My Mom left to... France.


Liz:That's it.

Mace:What's so sad about  that?

Liz:I miss her like I miss my.... dad.

Mace:Where is your dad?

Liz:Mace can you please stop asking me about that?

Mace:I'm sorry but  I can't.


Mace:I am concern about you.

Liz:I'm sorry too because I can't talk about it right now.

Mace:Okay fine but one thing.

Mace went  to me then he hugged me.  Later, I hugged him back. Then we released then..

Mace:Don't cry Liz.

He said as he wiped my tears.

Liz:I... gotta go to the bathroom for awhile.

I quickly stood up and left him.


AUTHOR'S NOTE:Let's pause a moment for them😂. I kinda think to put some more "mizzy" moment on the next chapters. Enjoy the next chapterr♡♡


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