Chapter 6

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Kim Taehyung POV

After the situation have been settled, my mom finally can relax but she never walk away from my side. They actually ask me what I'm going to do after this. Well I decided to think for a little bit and here I am in the car going back to my dorm.

I asked the driver to send me to a nearby park and I will walk home from there. When I come out from the car, I realize how dark it is. Its really dark. I look at my phone to realize that I don't even open it.

When I turn on the phone, its like exploid with messages and missed calls notifications. At that moment the whole thing just come back into my mind. This sickness really mess up my mind. I can't even think properly.

I have the dance practice a few hours ago. Its already 11pm. The members must be worried. Not to mention I just go out without telling them where I went. I'm in trouble.

No. Don't worry Tae, they will understand. They will. I scroll through the message and the last message from Namjoon hyung catch my eyes.

"We will wait in the dorm. Come back faster. We need to talk." That's is the only thing he wrote but I can feel the seriousness in the text. They will not think about something bad right?

When I arrived in front of the dorm, I stop for a moment and take my breath before open the door. When I opened the door, I can immediately see the members already waiting for me in the living room.

I walked slowly to them and the moment my foot step into the living room, all of their heads turn to look at me. Every one of them look at me with a face filled with slightly anger.

"Where are you? Why do you run from the practice?" Namjoon hyung asked while looking straight into my eyes. The way he look at me remind me when he shouted at me before.

"I-i'm at my parent's house. I'm sorry hyung, I forget and I don't realize its already night. I'm sorry." I said not looking at their eyes because I felt so guilty. They look so tired and I just add on their problems.

"Why did you go there? Not to mention, this morning, you are so rude to Jin hyung. Why is that Kim Taehyung? Do you think you are better than us? Is that what you think?" Suga hyung said replying to me. What he said really make me shock. I never thought I'm better than any of them. Never.

Why did he think that? They are the one who should know that I am not like that.

"No, hyung. I never thought like that. Never. Why would you think that? Is it wrong for me to go to see my parents? Is it wrong? I just want to see them for a while but I lost track of time. I'm sorry its really my fault. I'm really sorry. Jin hyung, I'm sorry if I hurt you. Please know, its not my intention." I said.

"Tae, if you want to see them, tell us first. We also miss our parents but did we go without telling you? No Tae. We are worried. But today it's a really selfish actions. I really hope you can control your emotion." Yoongi hyung said while his eyes soften. But what he said don't really sound good.

Is that mean he want to say that I'm selfish? For wanting to meet my parents? Because I just have a mental breakdown?

"Hyung, you know what I don't like?" I said while looking down at my feet. "Why did you guys just assume anything? Why don't you ask if I'm okay first? Am I'm selfish if I have a problems right now. Am I'm that selfish if I can't control my emotion? I'm sorry hyung, I can't control it. I can't. I'm sorry." I continue and quickly proceed to the door again.

"Where are you going this late?" Jimin said while rushing to my side. I look at him blankly. Did they really worried about me? Did they?

"Practice room." That is the only words that I said before going out from the dorm again. I don't want to be a burden to them so I decided to practice harder cause who know until when I will be with them.

I may not be with them for too long. And in this short time I will make sure I do not be a burden to them.



Hello, there~ how are you? As I mention before I don't have internet connection right now at home. Its frustrated. Please be patient with me. I'm a really slow updater(?)

I'm really sorry. I really hope you enjoy the chapters that I update. I'm sorry if it boring. I understand.

Its really stressful over here. I know everyone is having a hard time. so I don't have the right to talk about my hard time.

But please know, even if I have a hard time right now, you still can talk to me if anything bothering you😊 I will be there. Talk to me. I don't want you to feel like you are drowning with your problems. Its does not felt good. Trust me.

I'm sorry if my English are not perfect. I'm still learning it. I'm really sorry.

Lastly, stay positive, stay happy and please stay healthy.

I love you guys so much and Thank you so much for reading😊😊😊

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