Chapter 12

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Kim Namjoon POV.

"What did you just said Hoseok? Why did you said that? We have live together for so long. Tae will never do that just because he want revenge! I trust him and I know he will not do anything like that." I said actually upset with what just happened.

Like how can Hoseok think like that? That thought never passed my mind. Tae is not the type like that. I know something is going on with him. I just know it. But I can't force him. I will wait for the perfect time.

"Who knows? What if he really want to take a revenge on us. Just think about it Namjoon-ah, he treat us like what we did before." Hoseok said without any emotion. I look at him with a shocked face.

What is going on in this group?!

"No! Stop it. I don't want to hear any of you accused Tae like that. If I hear one more accusation, I will do something." I said. After that, they just keep quiet. I look at them one by one.

"Now, go take a rest. You guys need to rest." I said after calming myself. Yeah, I'm mad at Hoseok but that doesn't mean I will ignore him or something.

Hearing this, all of them walking to their own room without word, leaving me alone in the living room. I stay there for a good minutes, before finally make my decision.

Instead of walking to my own room, I walked to Tae's room. I knocked the door slowly, hearing no respond I opened the door quietly. The room already dark with only a bed lamp turned on.

I walk slowly to Tae's bed and sit beside his sleeping body. Even in the dark room, I still can see the tears trace. Its make my heart broke.

"Tae, what Hoseok said just now is not true. I know you are not like that. Don't worry, I trust you." I whispered. I know he is sleeping.

"I really hope you know that you can tell us anything. I know something is going on with you. I just know it. I'm worried Tae. I'm really worried." I said before sighing. I'm really worried. I don't want anything in the past happened again. Not again.

After, a few minutes I finally stand up to make a move to walk out from the room. I'm about to opened the door when one voice stop me.

"Y-you should not be like this. You should hate me. So you want to know the truth, only that you can hate me?" I turn my head to see he already sit on the bed looking at me with swollen eyes.

"I will never hate you, Tae." I said slowly and walk to his direction. I take a sit at the end of the bed looking at him to show that I'm serious.

Who would dare to hate Kim Taehyung? He is literally angel. We don't deserve him after what we did.

"I-i... "



Another update. I know, shocking and its miracle I update this fast. I mean faster than before.

Its just that I suddenly realized how fun is it to update. I just like the feel of it.😂

BTW did you see how much Namjoon Change? What will be his reaction if Taehyung told him the truth? Are you excited? Well, we can see his reaction if Tae ACTUALLY TELL THE TRUTH. We don't actually know when😄😈

Okay actually I'm updating cause I want to study but everything that I study do not enter my brain😭😭I'm suffering. Its addmaths and Chemist tomorrow. I actually worried about addmaths cause I failed it before. And its ruined my result as that is the only subject I failed😒

What should I do? Keep studying or sleep cause its already 12:43 am right now. Help me...

Lastly, stay positive, stay happy and please stay healthy! I love you guys so much. Thank you for reading!

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