Chapter 14

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Kim Taehyung POV.

"Tae? Wake up. We have photoshoot today." I heard a soft voice. A warm hand shake my body. Honestly, I don't want to wake up but to think I will make the other members late, really make me open my eyes.

"Are you feeling okay today, Tae?" The voice said. I look at the source if it, Its Namjoon hyung. I look at his face for a while. His eyes look a little bit swollen. He look tired but his smile is really sincere.

All the memories of what happened last night just go through my mind one by one. 'I told him the truth. He cried with me. He will not leave me.' All of this make me look at this matter in a different way.

"I'm feeling okay. Hyung, did you sleep well? I'm sorry." I said not looking at his eyes. The guilty feeling in me never leave me. I just broke down in front of him yesterday.

"I sleep just fine! Why do you need to apologise? It not your fault Tae. I'm glad you told me the truth. Thank you." He said looking straight into my eyes, showing his sincereness.

Actually, I expect the worse when I told him. But he just... I don't know how to explain it, I feel relieved?

"Thank you hyung."


[Time skip]

"Arghh, I'm so sleepy." I heard one of the member complained when we take a break. Honestly, I'm tired too. Its just, my body felt weird.

I stand up to take my water, when I can feel one member push me. I look behind and I was shocked to see, Hoseok hyung? What is happening?

"Take my water for me." He said and walk away from me. What is that? He sound so rude. I just ignore it and take my water and his. I give him his water and walk far from him and the other members.

I sit at the corner of the room and drink my water. After a few minutes, I start sweating and my head start hurting. At this moment, I just want to run away from here. I don't want the member see my condition.

Not having energy to walk I just sit there and close my eyes. Relax, Tae. Relax.

"Taehyung. Are you okay? Are you in pain? Do you want me to call Seojin hyung?" I guess that is Namjoon hyung. I can hear the panic in his voice.

"I'm fine. If you call him, the other members will know." I said with a weak voice. What is this?

"No, I will make sure they don't know. I will call him first and I will take you later, alright. Hang in there." He said rushingly and I can hear his footsteps walking away.


Park Jimin POV

"Where is Tae?" Namjoon hyung asked immediately after he done talking with the manager. I look at him and point where Tae sit.

When he saw Tae, he rush to his side and asked him somehing. I can't hear it though. He was whispering. I look at the other members but not even one of them realize. They are too busy talking with each other.

After a few minutes talking with Tae, Namjoon hyung just walk away with a big steps. I can sense there is panic in every step he take.

What is happening? I look back at Tae and realize he is sweating and closing his eyes. What is this? I just about to take a step forward when Namjoon hyung came in again.

He shake Tae's body and after Tae open his eyes I can hear Namjoon Hyung's voice that told Tae to climb his back.

"Guys, I will take Tae home. He have fever. You guys continue to do your part and tomorrow we will complete this photoshoot." Namjoon hyung's voice finally make the other members pay attention to them.

Without wasting any time, Namjoon hyung just walk away leaving us in a confusing state. Why did I have a bad feeling about this?

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