Reader x Percy, Jason, and Leo || Three Over One

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Leo, Jason and Percy.

    The trio were always together. Skipping class, doing 'teamwork' whenever there was a quiz, and playing video games during weekend. They were the best of friends.

    Leo was not the typical guy you could see in school. He really didn't suck in playing the guitar; he just knew. Sometimes the guy could be moody, and he loved to draw. He sometimes had a little attraction towards girls. Well, it was a light matter to discuss anyway.

    Jason probably had the most intimidating aura among the two. He wore those golden eyeglasses that showed a pair of ice blue hues that could kill you. He was athletic, smart and sometimes serious.

    Percy was also athletic, but he had more training in martial arts— maybe taekwondo. Sometimes, his friends thought he had a thing for Korean sports or whatever. Anyway, he was also great in solving math problems but yeah, a guy usually gets lazy when it comes to schoolworks.

    When you look into these three boys, they had their differences from one another. Only one thing made all three of them similar— watching p—

Never mind.

     They had a liking for one girl.

    Who could that be? Well of course! It's you. (Y/N) (L/N). A smart, bright and beautiful girl in the whole class. Lots of boys find you attractive, but somehow, those three boys had an advantage.

    You and them were in the same class.

    Among the three, Leo was the only guy you get along well with. The two of you were always together, laughing and sharing stupid and nonsense but hilarious, or maybe corny stories. Leo had the sense of humor which you liked about him. But you clearly had no feelings for him. Nothing at all. You only see him as a friend.


    Ah, Jason. You remembered the time when it was the first month of school. He revealed to the whole class that he liked you. It could have been a happy ending, but what could go wrong?

    Jason knew it. He knew that he liked you, but he just— he just couldn't get over the past. Last year, you heard of him having a relationship with Piper McLean who happened to be a friend of yours. Not a close friend, but you and Piper knew each other and were in good terms.

    Well, that was a mistake.

    Despite the fact that he liked you, he still couldn't get over Piper. He felt like something was making his decisions wrong. He didn't know, that you also like him. And then he decided to try go back to Piper again, hoping that they would be together again.

    Jason didn't know, that when he did, he only found out that Piper had someone else already.

    To sum it all up, his decision of leaving you and going back to Piper was not worth it. It was nonsense. And it was the biggest mistake Jason had ever done.

Percy Jackson. Everyone in class knew that he liked you, and you also did know. Yet it was a casual confession. He didn't directly confess to you, but the people who knew of it spread it to the whole class. And now he couldn't make the moves. He wasn't the typical guy who would grab the opportunity to woo you.

All in all, there was no progress.

These three boys like you. Percy knew that Jason liked you, and Jason also knew that Percy liked you. Only Leo didn't tell. Percy and Jason never knew of Leo liking you.

Leo had a best friend named Nico. He was the only guy who knew about Leo's secret. The secret of having feelings for you. He couldn't tell his other best friends because he worried that if he did, he might just be another problem to be added into the main problem of liking you. Well, Leo actually wanted to tell, but he didn't want to ruin their friendship.

Now there came the time, where the three had the courage to tell what they truly feel about you. So they approached you. You were there with some of your friends at the bleachers.

Leo approached you first, because he was a closer friend unlike the other two. Jason and Percy were just right behind Leo.

Well, they didn't fully expect that you would choose one of them. But whatever answer you say, they would gladly accept it, even if it hurts.

Leo was just about to say it—three words, eight letters—when you instantly cut him off.

You sighed. "Well, Leo. You don't have to confess," you glanced at Jason and Percy, "even the two of you. I know that you guys like me, but it's okay. I already like someone else, and he likes me back too."

The three stared at one another. They couldn't believe it, but they had to, and they had to accept the truth.

Although all of them were busted, Percy, Jason and Leo remained as the best of friends—until now.

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