Chapter one

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Third person POV

"Zach hurry up we are going to be late!" Jonah yelled up the stairs. Today was the day that four best friends were finally moving in together. They had been planning it for many years and now that they were old enough it was happening, Although they were now older Zach was still 16 so the rest of the boys were like his care takers.

Jonah had went to pick up Zach from his house and then they were going to meet up with the rest of the guys at the café in town, it was like their hangout place growing up. But Zach was taking forever and Jonah was beginning to become impatient. This kid took 10 years just to do his hair and get dressed.

"I'm coming! Dang it's not that's easy getting my hair like this" Zach said while jogging down the stairs with a smirk on his face and his last bag in his hands.

"Yeah yeah, keep moving" Jonah said shaking his head and pushing Zach to go faster. They were finally ready to leave with all of the stuff they needed in the trunk of Jonahs car.

"Hey, is that my sweater?" Jonah yelled out to Zach who was near the car already leaving Jonah to lock the door. Zach froze and thought for a second.

"Maybeee" he replied dragging out the e and hopped into the car closing the door behind him leaving no time for Jonah to say anything to him. The older sighed and a slight laugh left his lips and he followed suit and got into the car as well and they were soon on their way to the oh so famous café.

   Mean while with Daniel and Corbyn

"How long are they going to take?" Corbyn asked tapping his finger on the table that he was leaning against. The fake blonde was beginning to become impatient they had been waiting over 30 minutes and he couldn't sit still due to the excitement. Daniel reached his arm over grabbing the others hand.

"Would you please stop that, and soon Zach just texted me saying they are almost here" Daniel said slightly annoyed by both the tapping and their two friends being late, but he didn't expect any less from them, they were never on time.

They sat there for two more painful minutes looking at their phones showing each other something that they had found funny on Instagram before they heard the bell of the café door opening. Both looked up and saw the two people that they had been waiting for.

"Sorry we were late, someone had to take a long ass time on their hair" Jonah said while walking over to the table. He emphasized the "someone" earning a glare from Zach. Daniel and Corbyn got up laughing and hugged the two.

"Now that you two are finally here let's get this show on the road" Corbyn said. He paused for a minute after walking over to the front door.

"Also...pun intended" he added and quickly headed to the car that he was taking with Daniel. It had their stuff inside the trunk, similar to Zach and Jonah. They had the furniture already shipped to the house so they wouldn't have to drive a big truck.

The three boys gave each other a knowing look before following the energetic and impatient boy outside the their cars. But who were they kidding, they were all beyond excited.

        (I'm not writing a road trip scene)

                             (Time skip)

After long long hours of driving and complaining from a couple select people they all arrived at the house. The sound of doors closing filled the air. It hurt at first for the boys to move around because their muscles were all cramped up but it also felt nice to stretch them out.

"Feels so good to stretch my legs" Jonah said moving his leg around. A chorus of agreements rang out.

"Ow ow ow ow" Zach repeated as he stumbled around clutching his left leg, his face scrunched up in discomfort. He hopped around and then started to stomp his foot on the ground. As a result he looked insane. The others just stared until Daniel finally asked him what he was doing.

"My leg fell asleep and I'm trying to wake it -" Zach began to explain before looking up and his words got caught in his mouth. Standing straight he stared at the sight ahead, the boys followed his gaze showing the same reaction as the younger.

"Are you sure this is the right house?" Someone whispered out in shock. None of them had even really looked at the house completely to busy stretching after their long road trip. It was a normal house with two floors, but it looked so old. Almost as if it was ready to collapse. They were pretty sure that this could be used as an abandoned house in a movie.

"It's the right address" Corbyn said looking at his phone and back up to the house. The only difference was in the picture it looked a lot...cleaner. And less horrifying. Daniel was the first to snap out of being shocked.

"Come on guys-" he began and stood in front of the house facing the boys placing his hands on his hips. "We can fix the house up anyways and make it our own I mean we have planned this our whole childhood and it's finally happening. Are you really going to let a few cobwebs and creaking floorboards that need to be replaced freak you out?" He asked.

Corbyn began to say yes but was elbowed by Jonah who was standing next to him causing him to quickly shut up.

"He's right, now lets get out stuff in there and start to unpack. The sooner we get it done the sooner we can explore" Jonah agreed smiling and walked over to the car he took and opened the trunk. The rest did the same. So one by one they carried the boxes into the house, when they first walked in it wasn't as bad as they thought.

"Last one..." Daniel mumbled to himself as he closed the trunk locking it and walking back into the house with another box. The other boys had wandered off to find their own rooms. Which left Daniel to begin unpacking. He sighed and began to separate the boxes to whose was whose.

"Oh my god how many things did Zach pack into this box?" The brunette questioned himself. He looked at the label on the side and it read HAIR-PRODUCTS he then began to understand why the single box weighed almost as much as him. That boy and his hair, he had heard Jonah say multiple times he likes when Zach leaves his hair natural and messy. He assumed the the older never told Zach or else he would have seen Zach with his hair natural almost everyday just for Jonah. They were both just too much for their own goods. Daniel chucked at the thought and continued on what he was doing.

The whole time he was organizing stuff he had the biggest uneasy feeling ever. Like as if someone was watching him. But he let it go thinking it was one of the others just walking around the house or checking to see if he was done, which he wasn't. Soon the feeling began to be to much, a cold breeze rushed down his neck like someone was breathing him.

Daniel quickly jerked around and didn't see anyone. He was beyond confused. He knew what he felt. He tried to brush this off as well but it proved to be hard. Broken from his thoughts he looked over to the doorway near the stairs where Corbyn and Jonah were now walking over to him.

"Hey, sorry we were just looking around and checking were the furniture was placed" Jonah explained and began to pick up his boxes along with Zach's.

"Jonah and Zach are sharing a room by choice and you and I get our own rooms" Corbyn informed me grabbing his things as well. Of course they would share a room the are basically attached to each other. Even so, it was cute. And suddenly Daniel forgot about the events that had taken place and he was once again focused on unpacking. 

Word count: 1400 words

And so the new book begins. Check out my other book "brikey oneshots"

- sophia 💛

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