Chapter nine

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                         • Daniel's POV •


"Hurry get dressed I'm gonna go and get the information I collected and I'll be downstairs waiting for you." Zach said and left the room quickly like before just not stumbling as much. Doing as he said I shot out of bed and pulled on some clothes consisting of a pair of black jeans and a yellow sweater my mom got me a while back, It's probably one of my favorites. I took care of hygiene and grabbed my phone and wallet then ran downstairs. Zach was waiting near the door talking his foot impatiently.

"Took you long enough" he remarked.

"Give me a break I just woke up" I shot back and slipped on my white vans. He held up Jonah's car keys and tossed them to me.

"I convinced Jonah this morning to let you drive me somewhere, he thinks that we are just going out to lunch" he explained after seeing my confused face. I nodded and gestured him to go through the front door following after him, shutting the door behind myself.

Backing out of the parking lot I began to drive down the road and into town. We had no clue what we were looking for exactly but we were hoping for something. Anything.

"So where are we going first?" I asked tapping my fingers on the steering wheel to a non existent beat.

"Once you stop tapping I might tell you" he sassed to me. Without looking at him I made a face towards him and stopped tapping.

"Okay, so I was thinking the library. I know it's cliche but they might have old history books on the town or maybe news papers." He suggested. I nodded and began to drive towards our destination.

(Time skip)

"So this is it...Are you sure?" I asked as we stepped out of the car. We both closed our doors the sound seemed to echo because there wasn't a lot of people around here. I didn't receive an answer so I glanced over at Zach he was looking up and down at his phone and then the building. That's great, he isn't even sure if that's the right place.

"Uh yeah...yeah it's the right place let's go" he said and hurried to the door.

A bell rang above the door as it opened. The smell of old book pages filled my nose along with a hint of coffee. The place wasn't that big and it looked a little worn down, just like everything else in this town. I glanced around the store looking for an owner who could help us. Off to the corner was an old woman with glasses placing books onto a shelf occasionally checking off something on a clipboard.

I nudged Zach's arm and then began walking over to the old women. When I reached her she continued to place books on the shelf. She was about 5 foot so I basically towered over her.

"Excuse me. Ma'am" I said. She jumped a little bit and turned towards me clutching a book in hand.

"Oh my I'm so sorry I didn't mean to startle you" I quickly apologized feeling guilty for almost giving the old woman a heart attack.

"No no dear don't worry, hearing is just not as good as it once used to be" she said and slowly placed the book onto a cart.

"So how may I help you?" She straightened herself out and pushed up her glasses that were sliding down her nose.

"I was wondering if you had anything on town history, Like any murders?" I asked slowly hoping not to freak her out.

"We actually do, follow me" she said grabbing onto my sleeve and pulling me to wherever what we were looking for was. I looked over at Zach who was trying to keep up. He gave me a what the hell look and I raised my eyebrows at him shrugging my shoulders and looked straight ahead again. We arrived to a section that looked like it had some files and a couple books.

"Do you know what you're looking for dear?" She asked letting go of my sleeve.

"Uh I have a name" I said hoping it would help. I turned looking at Zach and mouthing the word paper to him. He took a second to figure out what I meant before shoving his hand in his pocket and taking out the note a wrote.

"We know the first name, it's Jack and the other initials are R and A" I said handing the paper to her. She looked shocked when she heard the name the headed over to a filing cabinet taking out a cream colored folder. Fumbling it around in her hands the old woman then finally handed it to me.

"Just take It" she said placing her hand on mine giving me a small smile as she looked up at me.

"Wh-" I began but she cut me off.

"I don't know what you might need with it but I have a feeling and I'm going to trust it, you seem like a nice young man along with the boy behind you. So please take it" she urged. I nodded not wanting to upset her.

"Oh one more thing!" She blurred out and grabbed a pen from the front pocket of her flower print shirt. She began to write something down on the folder in my hands.

"Go here, they will help you, they know more about what happened then anyone else does. Good luck!" She added and then shooed us out of the building.

"Well that worked oddly well" Zach said as he ran up to my side.

"Yeah it did" I agreed. And looked down at the folder.

"What did she write?" He asked leaning over my shoulder to try and see. I turned it towards him so he could read it.

"It's an address...with no name. Of course there's no name" I cursed brought the file down to my side. We had reached the car and were standing in front of it facing each other. I looked down at the folder and brought my other hand to it opening it slowly.

Inside was a file on the murder and a few old newspapers on it. When I flipped over a few pages I finally found what we were looking for.

"Jack Robert Avery" I read aloud and then looked up at Zach. Next to his head was a picture of what I assumed was him.

                          • Jack. R. Avery •

He had curly hair and doe eyes, an amazing smile

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He had curly hair and doe eyes, an amazing smile. I handed the folder over to Zach so he could read it.

"Well we found him" he muttered out. "And someone else, she did write the name Daniel. But why on the inside?"

"I'm not sure but we'll find out soon. now we need to find someone else, let's go" I said and got unlocked the car letting Zach in and we began to drive to our next destination.

Christina Marie.

Word count: 1174

                    🚨PLEASE READ 🚨

Hey guys I'm so so so sorry I said an update was coming like a day or two ago and I thought I updated it but when I wasn't getting any notifications I checked to see what happened. Turns out I never published it and my whole draft was deleted except for a tiny paragraph at the top. I tried everything to get it back but I couldn't so I re wrote it for you guys. I'm once again really sorry,  forgive me ?

- s o p h i a ⭐️

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