Chapter Seventeen

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Daniel's POV

     Over the past few days while Zach was recovering Jonah never left his side, basically babying him, but we all knew that Zach secretly enjoyed it. There was something different between them now the way they interacted like they somehow got closer than before. However that's even possible. Before the incident they were already basically on top of each other.
      We all searched throughout the house multiple times to find something the key might got to, and resulted with nothing. It was unsettling; the lack of paranormal activity from Jack has all of us biting our nails from anticipation, from terror, from the whole situation really.
       I was sat on the bay window in my room reading a book that I bought months ago but never bothered reading, it was a poor distraction to comfort myself but it was something nevertheless. Corbyn had just wandered off to the bathroom for a few minutes after assuring me it would be very quick. I just shot him a small glance, nodded and continued reading. My grip on the book admittedly got tighter as soon as he walked out of view. A few moments the sound of a door creaking opening caused me to flinch and a rushed out 'it's just me' from Corbyn followed not to long after, my body got less tense instantly as I looked up confirming it truly was Corbyn. Just as he walked in he paused
     "Oh I forgot something hold on" he rushed out of the room leaving me slightly confused but I just brushed it off and continued where I left off. Minutes later Corbyn came back into the room shutting the door behind him before sitting down next to me.
      "You grab what you forgot?" I asked not taking my eyes of the book.
      "What are you talking about?" Corbyn said confused. I sighed and explained even though I should have to.
       "You came in the room a few minutes ago from the bathroom and then left saying you forgot something, what did you forget?" I told him but record no response for a few seconds.
      "Daniel, I never came in here since I first left to go to the bathroom aside from just now" Corbyn said lowly. I felt my blood go cold and my grip got impossibly tighter on the book that laid in my hands, my gaze no longer focused on any words in front of me. I forced myself to look at Corbyn who had the same look as me knowing what was happening. He was screwing with us personally now. In ways that we could never imagine; in forms of us, literally.
       "Oh my god Corbyn please say you're joking" I whimpered and dropped the book into my lap shaking a little. A small shake of his head confirmed what was happening and oh I wish it was the opposite.
       "Come on we need to tell Jonah and Zach" he rushed out and pulled me off of the bay window, I stumbled a little but was soon right on his heel the whole time of going to Jonah and Zach. When we reached their room Corbyn burst open the door and went to speak but stopped himself just as quickly, it seemed as if we did not have to explain. Zach was curled in Jonah's lap wrapped up in the oldest arms sobs falling from his lips as he clutched onto Jonah's shirt creasing the fabric. Jonah took immediate notice of us looking into our eyes with fear and anger at the same time.
      "We know" he said shortly and went back to calming Zach. How in the hell are we supposed to survive this? How do we help Jack when he is tearing us up to bits by the day? This was proving to be more of nightmare than we imagined, this was proving to be hell.
     It took a while for Jonah to calm Zach down but he managed and soon we were all sat in silence, Jonah and Zach remained on their bed and Daniel and I found placed to sit somewhere in the room. We were all freaked by the new way Jack was tormenting us. I knew we were all thinking that same thing, yet no one dared to ask. Whether it was out of fear, or trust - I wasn't sure. But I couldn't do it, not anymore.
      "If we are going to figure out this situation we need to have trust with each other and Jack is doing everything he can to tear that apart, that can't happen, so what can we do so we know that we're ourselves" I said maybe a bit too loudly, but I did not care it had to be said.
       "Something only we would know, something that happened way before or away from this house" Jonah spoke up nodding in agreement. "We'll start with you Daniel, what did your dad give you before we left" Jonah said. Fair enough since it was my idea.
        "A picture of my mom and I when I was born" I said confidently. He nodded smiling and the personal questions continued until we were all sure that we knew that we could trust each other. A silence fell back over us but we did not mind this time at least I didn't. There was no motivation to do anything as of right now, and if someone thought of an idea they did not mention it, even though you could see it in their faces. My hand traveled into the pocket of my sweater as I played with the old key that I had not left alone since we got it. I had yet to figure out what it went to, if we just had a clue of something it would make all of this so much easier. Yet, we didn't and every time we thought that we were one step ahead we were pushed two steps back, all of this was just so tiring.

Jack's POV

Seeing the fear in their faces brought me some joy and finally getting to Zach was the best part. But they were still stuck on digging their noses into something they shouldn't, I'm getting tired of it. What makes all of this worse is they worked around my copying their image but I still had more up my sleeve. So much more. Getting physical wasn't enough for them to leave then I'm going to have to step it up somehow. It's only game over once they find it, although the chances of that happening are very slim.
I sat back and watched as they all made sure I was not in the room with them, well I was but not like I had been previously. After taking advantage of Daniel being alone I had rushed off to Zach's room. Very few times did one of the four boys wander around without someone else by their side. It just so happened that today both Corbyn and Jonah did just that. When I went into the room containing just Zach I took form as Jonah laying down behind the boy, he shifted turning towards me smiling, unaware of who I was. I had waited a few second before allowing blood to run from my eyes. Black blood. As soon as the black liquid came into view Zach had frozen up, breathe getting ragged and heavy. I almost laughed at the memory, but a frown settled of my face just as quickly, remembering that my fun was ended so quickly by Jonah walking into the room. I could have done something but decided against it vanishing within seconds; that brings me to now.
A glare from Daniels hands broke me out of my thoughts, squinting I tried to make out what it was that he held and as I soon as I did anger washed through me more than could have ever been thought possible. Without thinking I slammed my fist against the wall and a rough scream escaped from my lips shaking the house. How did they find it?

Hey, it's been a long time. I've had this is my drafts for a while but I didn't know if I wanted to post it because I wasn't really feeling it anymore. But here I am now haha. So I'm going to see how this goes and if it does well.....well ;)

Thank you.

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