Chapter Thirteen

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Daniel's POV

The car ride to Christina's was particularly silent, but for understood reasons. I was sat in the back with Corbyn while Zach was upfront giving Jonah directions every so often. Anxiety began to build in my chest and Settled into my body as my leg was bouncing vigorously up and down. Corbyn took notice and places his hand on my knee to get me to stop. I tore my gaze from the window focusing on the big next to me. He sent me a reassuring smile, then retracted his hand back into his own lap drawing his gaze out his own window. My anxiety did not falter.
When we pulled into her driveway no one made a move to leave the car for a few seconds then Jonah quickly exited causing the rest of us to follow suit all the way up to her door. Zach had reached up to tap his fist on the door a few times then stepped back waiting. The door opened shortly after and Christina appeared a look of surprise painted her face.
"Did something happen?" She questioned worriedly.
"Yes actually and if you don't mind we need a little help" Jonah said.
"And you are..." she trailed off waiting for Jonah and Corbyn's names.
"Uh yeah sorry I'm Jonah" he stuck his hand out for her to shake which she accepted. I glanced over at Corbyn who had not answered causing silence to settle, his gaze was set on Christina and his eyes seemed to glaze over. My foot met his with a sharp kick snapping him out of his daydream earning my self a glare.
"I'm Corbyn" he stepped forward doing the same as Jonah, she seemed to have the same gaze for half a second before shaking his hand smiling wide and replying with her own name.
"May we come in?" I asked quietly.
"Oh yeah, yes of course come in!" Christina exclaimed stepping aside and opened the door wider. We filed in quickly and soon enough were settled onto the couch with waters that she offered before settling down too.
"I'm assuming this about Jack" Christina said, we all nodded not knowing what to say.
   "We don't know what to do he is getting worse everyday last night he got to Jonah" Zach finally explained. Christina nodded her head humming a thoughtful look etched into her expression.
   "Any thing else?" She asked looked at us waiting for answer.
  "He uh- he keeps saying 'get out'-" I paused for a moment  "-I mean it's pretty obvious he doesn't want us there but we can't leave" I finished.
   "Well what I told you about him is about all I know I'm sorry...I'm sure if look harder about the house or with jack himself surly you'll find something" she insisted.
   "That's perfect" Jonah grunted out. Corbyn sent him a pointed look before turning to Christina.
   "Are you sure there is nothing else that you could say that can help us? I mean we are kind of walking around blindfolded right now anything will help" he pleaded.
    "I'm not sure I kno-" she stopped abruptly and held her hand up "hold on- just hold on" she hurried out of the room and out of view. Confused looks were shared between the four of us as we waited for her to return, not much else we could do. A minute or so later she borderline stampeded back into the living room. In her left hand was something that I could not make out.
"This, my mother gave me this on my fifteenth birthday and I could never figure out what in the hell it was for. I think it might help you guys" she turned her left hand turned over and laying on her palm was an old brass key with a faded string on it. It was more of a yellowish-brown showing obvious aging.
I reached forward took the key handed to me examining it smiling up at Christina.
"You're sure you want to lend this to us?" Zach questioned slowly checking if that's what she wanted for sure. I mean it was a gift from her mother.
"You guys are in more need of it than me I'm sure" she reassured with a wide smile.
"Thank you very much, we need to get going you know...try and figure this whole mess out" Jonah said standing up pulling Zach with him. Corbyn and I got the message doing the same and began to head for the door. Goodbyes were exchanged as we left towards the car. I looked back over my shoulder and caught Corbyn lagging behind talking to Christina, both of them laughed at something one of them had said before Corbyn had hugged her then turned running to catch up to us. When we had sat back in the backseat I starred at Corbyn knowingly and smugly. He caught my stare and returned it with a confused one.
"What?" He questioned sharply crossing his arms.
"Oh nothing. Nothing at all" I smirked leaning back into the seat and looking out the window. Corbyn's scoff beside me caused my to crack a smile and look down to my lap where my hands rested. In one hand was the old key which I now stared at intently instead of Corbyn or out the car window.
I really hope this leads to something because if doesn't we are back at square one; god knows what has already happened at square one.

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