Chapter Fifteen

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Jonah's POV

As I watched Zach's drift unconscious my world started crashing down on me my mouth went dry and my throat closed up stopping the air from making its way to my lungs. An inhuman sound fell from my mouth from disbelief, this could not be happening; I wanted to wake up...please let me wake up and let it all be a dream.
"Z- Zach...zach come on please it's not funny wake up" I whispered painfully. Tears clouded my vision but this time Zach was not able to wipe them away. I heard Corbyn saying something to Daniel and moments later arms wrapped around me pulling me up on the ground despite my weak protest and attempts to be next to Zach again. Eventually I'm assuming Daniel brought me downstairs and sat me down on the couch, well more like I fell onto it. That's when I began to really cry, harsh sobs making their way out expressing my pain. Daniel quickly sat down pulling me into a tight hug rocking us back and forth. It did not help calm me down as I began to hyperventilate from the lack of air.
"Jonah I'm gonna need you to breath come on in and out just like me" Daniel said imitating deep breaths and with that I was able to breath normally again. My sobs had subsided into soft hiccups with silent tears while I laid limp in Daniels arms.
"Zach is going to be fine we all know it, it's okay" Daniel reassured, I did not reply.
Footsteps were heard from behind us and we both visibly tensed hesitant to look back. Before we could corbyn made his way into view in front of where we sat setting down as well. Daniel and I let out breaths of relief sitting up straight.
"How is he?" Daniel asked.
"He is gonna have a scar at most other than that he is can go see him now Jonah" Corbyn added softly looking over from Daniel to me. I nodded and stood up receiving a pat on my back before I left the room from Daniel.

Corbyn's POV

"This is getting out of hand" I said as soon as I was sure Jonah could not hear us.
"How bad was it really?" Daniel said dropping his worried face. He knew that I had sugar-coated the damage on Zach for Jonah's sake.
"Well I wasn't lying when I said he is going to have a big scar" Daniel scoffed at that "had he lost anymore would have been life threatening Daniel, we are lucky Jack did not scratch any deeper of we could have lost him instantly" I finished sighing deeply leaning forward my arms on my knees and my forehead now resting on the back of my wrist. My eyes caught sight of Zach's blood coating my hands and clothes making me want to throw up at the sight.
"I need to change out of these clothes and clean up, come on" I said standing up quickly.
"Come on?" Daniel asked confused.
"Yes come on after what just happened we definitely can't be alone in this house" I replied and began to walk to my room Daniel following suit. As we passed Zach and Jonah's room the sight was heart breaking. Zach laid where on the bed where I had placed him and Jonah was half laying down next to him staring at Zach's face softly playing with his hair. Just before I continued on I saw a tear roll down his face and heard him whisper,
"I love you Zach please wake up...for me..." and when he received no reply I decided it was time to leave before I began to cry as well. When Daniel and I stepped into my room we shot each other knowing looks. The two boys were absolutely smitten with each other, they had been for years really, and the pain Jonah must be going through right now is unimaginable.
"We need to figure out what it goes to" Daniel said after a few silent moments. At first I had no clue what he was going on about and then I remembered what we had received today from Christina. Realization found it's way to my face when I figured out why Daniel said it the way that he did. We were being watched. The though sent chills up my spine just thinking about who was watching us.
"Yeah we do. Just keep a lookout for anything" I replied and grabbed a fresh set of clothes making my way into the bathroom in my room leaving the door partially open just in case. After I had changed and decided to just toss my clothes I began to clean my hands off. Anger began to fill my body for a second or two as I watched the discolored water make its way down the drain. Whether my intentions are to help or get revenge on Jack I was not sure, but I was sure that we were going to figure all of it out. All of it.

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