Chapter Fourteen

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Third persons POV

The boys filed into the house quietly and quickly, very well aware now that they were being watched and it left their skin crawling knowing something bad could happen any second. Jonah and Zach began to head to their room but the older stopped turning back to Daniel and Corbyn who were still stood at the door.
"From now on stay with someone else if you can, I don't want anyone wandering by themselves. Got it?" He directed his demand to Zach too; the three boys all nodded agreeing it was best for their safety. With that Jonah and Zach disappeared up the stair case.

Jack's POV

It was cute really listening to their little meeting. They really thought that having someone with them would stop me? Quite the contrary, I was only motivated to get under their skin more now until they were left running as far as possible scared for their life's.
I made my way up to the room with the boy who just had to investigate, a smile on my face thought of how I was going to terrify him filling my head. I could do what ever I wanted to him, and right now that ranged to horrible things caused by the rage filling my body. All of this was his fault and he was going to get it. In all honesty I never even got to have a turn on him, only scaring him when he was outside researching me. That dumb boy, if they really want to see something I'll show them something. Something that will leave a permanent mark.

Zach's POV

Jonah and I laid in our bed, I was pressed against his side my arm around his waist and my head rested in the crook of his neck. One of his arms was rested under my head while he played with my hair calming me, the other on top of mine that was on his stomach. Neither of us made an attempt to speak or move or do anything really. We were tense and thinking of what to do.
A soft kiss was placed on the top of my hair causing me to tilt my head up meeting Jonah's gaze. He smiled softly at me to which I returned tiredly. Jonah seemed to notice and furrowed his eyebrows.
"You're tired?" He asked softly, I nodded slowly.
"It's okay I'm fine" I offered a half-hearted smile in attempt to convince him but he just shook his head.
"Sleep, I know you haven't gotten much because of last night. I'll be right here when you wake up I promise." He reassured. I nodded and placed my head back into its previous place slowly drifting off.
     A few moments later a loud bang caused us to jerk up from our positions, hearts beating loudly. The door had swung open causing the loud bang but nothing was there. I whimpered out in fear assuming the only thing it could be. I felt Jonah begin to hold onto me tightly unaware of what might happen fearing the worst possible.
      "Jona-" I began but was cut off by the other boy.
     "I know" his grip tightened a little and tears began to fill my eyes.
     It all happened so quickly one moment I was curled into Jonah, the next I was being pulled harshly away from him. A scream ripped from my throat as I thrashed around to free myself from the cold grip around my ankles. My back slammed into the hard wood my head snapped back hitting the floor harshly earning another scream from me and now Jonah who has just snapped out of shock. I turned my body clawing at the floor trying to get a grip on something anything and pull myself away but to no avail.
    Just as my body was pulled up and pressed against what felt like a body Daniel and Corbyn tumbled into the room panting. A look of fear replaced the tired one that they once had. By now Jonah had jumped off the bed but made no attempt to come near me.
    I felt a arm slide it's way around my neck forcing me in place. Heavy labored breath was fanning against my neck and something sharp teased the side of my neck. I voiced my discomfort trying to lean my head away from it, my hands gripped the arm around my neck as tears streamed down my face. God this was actually happening he had me in his grip and I was gripping his arm which by they way was very visible.
     "Let him go!" Jonah demanded his voice wavered from fear. I locked eyes with him with a pleading gaze. The arm around my neck tightened forcing a choked sound to escape from my lips, jerking my body back and forth to get away did nothing. It made him even angrier and he dug the nail that was grazing my neck into the skin slightly. I felt the drop of blood trickle down my neck as I cried out in pain. Daniel and Corbyn looked horrified probably because of the sight of Jack himself.
     "No no please stop! Stop don't hurt him" Jonah begged taking step forward. He shouldn't have done that because once he did I felt the sharp nail slide across my flesh a little, it hurt so much my heart was pounding against my chest. Jonah got the message and quickly stepped away not wanting to cause me anymore pain. Jack began to laugh slowly into my ear enjoying the effect he had on the four of us. It was sickening, I felt so defenseless. Chills crawled up my spine.
     "What ever reason you're doing this to us, it's okay we know that you're hurt and mad and stuck and it's okay just let us help you" Daniel spoke up softly. "We can help you just let him go...let him go Jack".
     The mention of his own name must have sent him into a rage fit that could not be stopped because a sharp pain filled my side and then I was let go after he disappeared, falling to the ground limply. My mouth opened in a silent scream of pain. Jonah dropped onto his knees and collected me into his arms.
     "Jonah" I said wincing in pain, discomfort etched into my face. Tears flowed down my face as I fisted the fabric of his shirt.
     "Shhh I know I know" He hushed me running his fingers through my hair. His other was pressed onto my side where Jack had slashed the skin open trying to slow down the blood. Tears began to fill his eyes so I reached up wiping away a stray tear that had escaped with my thumb forcing a small smile to which he could not possibly return. I had not noticed that Corbyn had left until he stormed back into the room with a first aid kit in his hand.
     "Jonah his shirt" Corbyn rushed out as he opened the box taking out this supplies. I was sat up slowly crying out quietly as Jonah slipped my bloody shirt off.
     "Sorry" he mumbled laying me back down. My vision began to get to blurry, the pain being too much. Daniel and Corbyn worked on my injured side while Jonah attempted to distract me. I searched for Jonah's hand clutching onto it tightly locking my gaze onto his. A few moments later my grip began to lessen making Jonah's eyes widen.
     "You have to stay awake come on keep those pretty eyes of yours open" he begged choking up a little.
     "Mmm I'm tired" I replied lowly my head lolled to the side breaking our gaze. Jonah placed a hand on my check forcing me to meet his eyes again.
     "No promise you'll stay awake just look at me" he demanded. I nodded and tried my best but I just couldn't. My vision began to fade and I could hear Jonah's begging for me to stay awake begin to fade too. Then it was all gone.

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