Chapter Five

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Zach's POV

I was basically steaming in anger. How could they all act like nothing happened? I feel like I'm the only one who wants to get to the bottom of this. But if that's how it's going to be, I'll just have to do this on my own.

Jonah did not come out of the room and I didn't see Corbyn downstairs when I left my bedroom so I assumed that he was with Daniel trying to comfort him. He has been so sensitive to everything recently and we all feel bad for him, he doesn't deserve this.

If I was going to figure this out I would have to get some research done. I grabbed my laptop and walked outside to the backyard for more peace and quiet. Also I didn't want to take the chance of Jonah coming downstairs and seeing me, I'm not really in the mood to deal with that right now.

There was a bench to the side of the yard that had cushions on it and it was sort of like a swing. I sat down on it opening my laptop and going into google. My hands hovered over the keys but I didn't type anything not knowing what to look up. Where do I start? My mind went blank. How about I just start with the town, I'm sure that there should be information on that.

"Pinewoods..." I mumbled out as I typed. Multiple results came up and none of them seemed to be what I needed. Continuing to scroll down something caught my eye.

Pinewoods Murder.

"Holy sh-" my eyes widened and I clicked on the page. It began to load slowly and my patience began to thin. Finally the page opened and to the side was a picture that said "welcome to Pinewoods" on a old wooden sign. A flashback came into mind and I realized that was the sign that we passed while we were on our way here.

"Jonah when are we gonna be there? My legs hurt" I complained and shifted in my seat. Jonah just forced out a soon through is clenched teeth, although I don't blame him for the past ten minutes I've been asking him nonstop when we would be there even though I knew the answer. My horrible patience soon turned to excitement when I began to see houses. Sitting up straight I looked around and a smile found its way to my face. When I looked to my right I caught sight of what was supposed to be a sign, I was covered in vines and bushes. You could see the wood rotting and it looked like there was faded letters but before I could make out what it was we had already driven past the "sign" and it was far out of sight. '0h well' I thought and leaned back into my seat my gaze drifting forward once again and the excitement died down.

I continued looking at the pictures added to the page. Below the sign was another picture. It was black and white. There was a house that looked like your average family house back then with a good front yard and trimmed bushes. There was one thing though, it was blocked off by police tape that said "caution do not enter" over and over. There was police equipment everywhere. Those were the only images attached so I began to read the paragraph in the middle of the page.

On July 8th 1956 a family of 5 was murdered. It is said that the father had wanted custody of the children but did not receive it. Enraged, the man broke into the house and tied every one up downstairs in the living room. He apparently tortured the four kids in front of the mother and then killed the three girls first, youngest to oldest, by suffocating them. And then the boy by stabbing him 17 times in the upper area of his body. Including his eyes. The mother was not killed and reported to the police that he had told her "the only reason you get to live is so you can suffer, if I can't have them no one can." He then proceeded to leave the house. His body was found in the town river below the bridge from committing suicide. Years later the mother died from a heart disease and no one has lived in the house since.

My heart broke for this family I can't imagine what that must of been like. I felt a drop of water hit my hand and I wiped my eyes that were covered in tears that I didn't realize were there. Quickly I rubbed my eyes and breathed out before continuing on.

Other information:
Son: age  18
Oldest daughter: age 19
Second oldest daughter: age 13
Youngest: age 9
(Names not included for privacy reasons)

I felt my breathe hitch in my throat. They were all so young, two of them younger than me. How could that happen? I now know more but it doesn't answer my question. Who is JRA? Maybe if names were included I would be able to figure that out. But what does the paper Daniel wrote have to do with this? If anything, reading this only gave me more questions.


I jumped at the sudden sound and looked around but didn't see anything. Squinting my eyes I looked at the bushes that the sound came from. It looked like the bushes were moving. The noise got closer, the leaves and branches that were rustling inched closer to where I was sitting. My heart rate was through the roof.

'Screw this' I thought and quickly slammed my laptop shut gripping it and ran back inside not looking back. What the hell was that?

Word count: 970

So how did you like it? We now have some background information and Zach isn't giving up!

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