Chapter Seven

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Daniel's POV

The rain caused a loud noise as heavy drops of water repeatedly hit the glass of the window I was sitting at, but I wasn't in my room. The past few days had been filled with nightmares and waking up in the middle of the night screaming so hard that it hurt my throat. Every time one of the boys would run in, mainly Corbyn, and they would calm me down. After 30 minutes I would fall back asleep.

Last night was different than my normal nightmare which consisted of me reliving the events of my lights breaking and the note. It was worse and I can't figure out why I had the dream. A man was murdering people in such a brutal way. The screams and cries for help are stuck in my head. I was woken up by Corbyn calling my name and I remember sitting up so fast I almost gave myself whiplash, looking over at him and breaking down into a full-blown panic attack. It took him a full hour to calm me down and he ended up bringing me to his room to sleep with him just in case I woke up like that again.

That brings me to where I am now, sitting on his arm chair that was placed near his window. It was a gloomy day so we all decided to stay in. To say we were bored was an understatement. I didn't do much with them at first but I've gotten a lot better. It's mainly just the panic attacks and nightmares now. A knock brought me out of my thoughts and I looked back at the door.

"Come in" I called out and pulled the blanket around my shoulders closer to me seeking warmth. I heard the door open and shut softly.  Footsteps made their way towards me and a hand was placed on my shoulder. Turning and looking over my shoulder there stood Zach, in his hand was a laptop. His face had an unreadable expression which worried me a bit not going to lie.

"I- um I... okay how do I say this" he said aloud to himself. I gave a confused face and waited for him to talk.

"Okay I'm just going to be straight forward about it, do you want to, you know, um know more about what happened the other day? Like even a little bit?" He rushed out. I opened my mouth to reply but the words got caught in my throat I searched for an answer and thought about it for a minute every passing second giving Zach more anxiety, me as well.

"I..........yes" I decided. After thinking about it I'm pretty firm with my decision. Even though it has given me so much trouble recently this needs to stop. I want to know what ever that was and end it once and for all.

"Lets go to my room so Corbyn doesn't walk in" I suggested and got up walking over to my room, Zach trailing behind me. I let him go in front of me and closed the door behind my back. He had sat down on the bed and I sat down next to him I watched him open his laptop and go to his documents. It looked like he had saved some stuff.

"Last night I did some research and found a few things on our town" he mumbled and opened a document that showed a few photos and a couple paragraphs. The laptop was passed over to me so I could read about the town. It showed pictures of sign and a house which was actually very familiar.

"Wait, isn't that our house?" I said squinting and leaning forward.

"Yeah it looked familiar didn't it, that's not even the best part" Zach said causing me to look over at him.

"The way you said best gives me the feeling that it's not good at all..." I mumbled slightly.

"You would be correct," he said taking the laptop from me ; "apparently a while back there was complications with a family causing the mother to want to take custody. The father was mad and got his revenge killing all of them except the mother so she would suffer the pain of losing them...they found his body not to long after. He committed suicide." He explained. I had not said a word and just looked down at my hands trying to process all the information.

"How could someone do that, that's awful" I whispered out.

"That's what I keep asking myself" he replied and stood up.

"Is that all the information that you have?" I asked.

"Yea- well..." he trailed off and looked down and up at me.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"That's the only Information I got but something else happened last night when I found this. I was sitting out back and right after I had read it I got this feeling that something was staring at me so I looked behind me and the bushes were rustling and it kept getting closer and closer till I got freaked out and ran inside." He ranted out.

"Zach..." I started but he quickly cut me off adding on to what he said.

"I know it's hard to believe but please trust me" he begged.

"I believe you" I said causing him to look up at me surprised.

"What? Wait you do really!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah I do, but there is one thing" I said.


"You said something instead of someone, why something " I asked.

"I- I know this sounds crazy but what ever was watching me I don't think it was human..."

"It actually doesn't sound crazy" I replied and leaned back onto my bed.

We now had more information and a better understanding, sort of. We still had no names no lead and not a lot of history. We were basically walking around blind but I had an idea. I sat up and looked over at Zach who was still looking at me but lost in thought.

"Hey" I said trying to get his attention.

"Wh- hmm?" He said and looked over at me a bit startled.

"We are going out tomorrow" I said.

"We are?" Zach asked.

"Yeah we are, we're going to go out to find more information then we found here. There has to be someone in this town that knows something. And I'm pretty sure that they have a public library here somewhere" I told him.

"So it's decided then" he said. I nodded and stood up. A cold breeze filled the room and I looked over at my window. The glass was open and water was coming through. Quickly I moved over and shut it.

"Crap" I said looking around. My arms were soaked and cold.

"Come down stairs with me so I can dry my arms, also this room is really cold." I said and we left the room.

But what I didn't realize and forgot was that I never opened the window. Something else did.

Word count: 1181

So I'm finally updating. I'd also like to mention two things.

Go download/stream Shawn Mendes - In My Blood. And. Lost In Japan.

Also a quick shout out to Dj_Brookie_Cookie  I have gotten the chance recently to talk to her. Such a sweetheart go check out her books they are great. (Also u still need to read mine 😂♥️) it was great talking to you love!

- s o p h i a ⭐️

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