Chapter Two

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  Third person POV

They boys had finally finished unpacking everything, well more like Daniel finished unpacking everything for the boys. The three lazy bums just walked about the house messing around and distracting Daniel from what he was doing. As for the feeling he had gotten earlier, it was forgotten. Even so there is a cause for everything and the cause of that feeling, it was still there whether Daniel noticed it or not.

"Guys!" Daniel yelled out. His voice echoed from how new and empty the house seemed. The sound of feet running filled the house and his friends soon stood in the room with him.

"Yeah?" Corbyn asked leaning against the doorway and the others sat on the couch.

"What do you want to get for dinner?" He said.

"We are ordering?" Zach spoke out with a hopeful face.

"I mean I'm pretty sure it's going to be hard to cook anything considering we don't have any food in the house right now, I mean unless you don't want to we can just not eat" Daniel said sarcastically. Zach put his hands up in surrender and leaned back in his spot. He heard Jonah and Corbyn laughing at what just happened.

"Danny is right, we have to go food shopping tonight" Jonah said when his laughs died down. They all nodded and decided on a place to go out and eat instead of ordering so that way it would be easy to just head to the store after.

                            (Time skip)

Once they had gone shopping and ate two out of the four were so tired. The whole time Zach and Corbyn were bouncing off the walls. What didn't help was they somehow convinced Jonah and Daniel to get dessert and the last thing that they needed was sugar. If anything Jonah and Daniel were the ones who needed it.

The door busted open and two energetic boys ran in giggling about something stupid while the remaining two were left carrying the bags. There wasn't many because they still needed to get other things taken care or before they could properly go grocery shopping. It wasn't cheap at all and it always irked Daniel to no end when he saw photos of people with big carts of all junk food with someone in the cart. People didn't realize that it would cost like 500 dollars. But who was he to say anything, not his problem.

They walked into the kitchen placing the bags on the counters and started putting everything away. Corbyn and Zach had traveled upstairs doing god knows what. But you could hear them laughing miles away. Daniel was putting cereal boxes in the cabinet and went to grab another box that was to his left when he reached his hand out blindly he felt it get placed in his hand he gripped it and put the last one away. He went to go thank Jonah for handing it to him, but when he turned around Jonah wasn't next to him. Instead he was on the other side of the kitchen placing the few items they got that needed to be refrigerated in the refrigerator.

His mouth went dry and he felt chills throughout his body. How was that placed in his hand? Was it Jonah? Was he getting pranked? He stopped and scanned the room waiting for someone to pop out of the room and scream "you got pranked!" with a camera in their hand. But it never happened. While he was zoned out Jonah stood in front of him trying to get Daniel to reply to him. He snapped his fingers in front of Danny's eyes and Daniel blinked quickly and few times snapping out of it and then looked at Jonah.

"What just happened? Are you okay?" Jonah questioned worried for the younger boy but also slightly freaked out by what just took place. Daniel searched for an answer, mouth still dry and he could still feel the hair on the back of his neck standing up.

"Yeah...yeah no I-I'm okay" he stumbled over his words. "I was just thinking of other things we need to get for the house, you know preparing a list" he quickly came up with and excuse and when he realized that's all he came up with he wanted to smack his head into a brick wall cause that was the worse excuse ever. Jonah gave him a suspecting look but nodded going with it.

The older boy left saying that he needed to check on the others making sure they were still alive. Daniel was left standing in the kitchen trying to process what just happened and he wasn't sure if that excuse was meant to convince Jonah or himself, but it seemed pretty obvious. Suddenly Daniel remembered that feeling that he had gotten earlier when he was unpacking and it was exactly like the one he had right now.

He almost jumped out of his skin when he heard a cabinet slam open. He didn't dare turn around. His body was tensed up and his fist clenched by his sides. Goosebumps covered his arms and he was shaking so bad. He could hear a cereal box and he was pretty sure he wasn't breathing at all anymore. The sound of something dragging against the counter reached his ears as it traveled closer and closer to him. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the cereal box being pushed down the counter right next to him. His eyes widened and his body went cold.

Then, Daniel felt a pressure against his neck and it could only be described as someone actually touching him. He let out a shaken breath and then spoke,

"Is that one of you?" He asked in a hushed whisper hoping it was one of the boys. He received no reply.

The pressure continued up his neck and then Daniel could have sworn he felt someone graze their lips against his ear. Tears were now gathering in his eyes. A breath fanned out across the side on his face and then mouth slowly opened to say something,

"Get out"

Daniels breath hitched in his throat. A tear slid down the side of his face and terror filled his body. Building up whatever bravery he had left he breathed in and out, then quickly snapped around looking all over for any signs of the boys pranking him.

No one was there.

Daniel felt his heart drop. His emotions were everywhere as he was now so confused on how that just happened and he wanted to believe that it was just him getting pranked but he wasn't so sure that he could do anything to convince himself something like that anymore.

Word count: 1128

Enjoy :)

-s o p h i a 💛

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