I Promise

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All around them, they heard screaming, not a single one daring to look up.

This city they had built, ten centuries it had stood, prosperous and wide.

It now stood on its last legs, brought to its knees by two individuals.

Not even the children were spared from this fate worse than hell, demons roamed the roads, eating and killing uncountable amounts.

"Come on, crawl more you two." Honey called out to the two dragons on leashes, crawling like degenerates.

Elliot silently held onto the other leash, Clayton silently crawling, gritting his teeth.

Then, he heard a voice.

Something that brought him some semblance of hope.

"Sirs!" A group of people yelled out.

The three looked up to see familiar faces.

They were the gilded diamond ranked adventurers currently resting in their city.

"Fiends! Release them at once before we cut you down!"

Elliot bent down to look at Clayton, the disgusting, sadistic side of her showing up again as she whispered,"You want to fight, don't you? Nod your head. Nod it."

"Resist..." Clayton muttered, forcing his head to stop moving, his bulky frame shaking but alas, the contact bound him.

He could only resist for so long.

"Nod." Elliot whispered.

He nodded.

"Good. Now be a good boy...And kill them." Elliot walked back, eyes bloodshot with manic delight.

Clayton lunged forward,"[Swift Violet]!" His sword turned into a purple streak as it carved towards the group of people.

"S-sir! Why are you a-attacking us?!"

"They're being controlled Clarice! He can't disobey!" The other man yelled, jumping forward to block his blow.


He was blown back a few metres, armour dented and cracked.

Clayton was breathing heavily, his ragged breath accompanying his look of insanity,"Die die DIE! [Paladin's Crater]!"

The group rippled as tiles were ripped from the ground, exploding as the group was thrown off balance by the explosion and shockwave.

"Take out the two at the back! They're controlling them!" One roared.

"I don't think so. [Marionette of Insanity]." Honey said calmly.

The group flopped lifelessly to the floor with terrified faces as illusions of the foes they had killed appeared.

"Nice one." Elliot called out,"[Forceful Subjugation]!"

Red light enveloped the adventurers as they slowly stood up, pupils dilated.

Elliot nodded to Honey.

Honey chuckled,"Two down. We do pretty quick work." He produced another blood contract.

The adventurers mindlessly dripped their blood onto it, the paper burning away as a black mark formed on their chests.

Elliot tossed more leashes,"I'll deal with three. You take two."


As they exited the city, Elliot called off the spell.

The sky returned to normal.

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