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"Haaah." Elliot woke up with a quiet breath of air.

Sleep's over Elliot, back to being a king.

"Ah! She's awake, Sir Honey." Elizabeth said to Honey.

Honey jumped, turning from her to Elliot.

Their eyes met for a single moment before they both looked away.

"Thanks for saving me..." Honey mumbled abashedly.

"It's...Nothing." Elliot nodded to herself.

Elizabeth felt the entire situation to be extremely surreal.

These people were far older than anyone she had even met, and yet they acted like they were still youngsters.

The tension between the two was extremely obvious, except to the two that had averted their eyes.

"For two people that have lived longer than most, they're dense..." Elizabeth muttered.

Belladonna stifled a giggle,"You think? The man's been waiting for a thousand years for her to wake up. He's told me every single day that it was day she'd wake up. And on the day master wakes up, he chickens out and hides."

"Seriously? Are you sure you're actually fifty thousand and not fifteen?" Elizabeth asks.

"Our emotions age very much slower. To the two of them...They'd be fifteen at most. We're all not really the socialising type. Most people marry at twenty, I haven't even kissed a man in ten thousand times that amount of years." Belladonna snorted.

"We should...Uh...Probably meet the king." Elliot said awkwardly, trying to break the silence.

"Huh? Yeah. Mm, we should."


Elizabeth saw Elliot dawn her mask, her innocent side was completely gone, as if it had been caged up by the mask.

In a sense, the mask hid her soft side.

The angel disappeared into the mask, a deep voice coming from the emperor.

"Hey, Lizzie." Katherine tapped her shoulder.


"We need to inform the king."

Elizabeth fell from her dream world for the past few hours and back into the soul-crushing life of a princess stuck in a castle, not quite able to shine to her utmost.

"Ah! Emperor sir! I, humbly welcome you!" Elizabeth's father said graciously, guiding them to the dining hall where waiters and maids stared on curiously, awaiting orders.

Elliot had already been notified by the Persicus about the kingdom's situation and had already formed an image of near desperation.

"Let's be frank with each other, shall we? Unlike other egotistic kings, i'm not one for showering praises or receiving some. Results matter more than anything." Elliot said frankly.

Elizabeth raised her brows, admiration of the emperor growing stronger.

The king froze for a moment before his shoulders slouched,"You're...Much different from what I expected..."

"Well you're in a worse situation than I expected." Elliot retorted simply.

The king staggered back into his son's arms,"Y-you know?!"

Elliot sat down, head facing up to the ceiling,"Disease, lack of money, corruption, crime at an all time high and famine. False documents, fake contracts and debtors. Bastard sons, possible rebellion and vice spreading. Take your pick. Which one do you want to talk about?"

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