Outside World

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The cyanic sky stared down at the world, the sun hanging on brightly.

"Nadiaaaaa! You're lateeee!" Ash whined.

"Gosh, you're awfully impatient today snow boy." A girl with light brown skin rushed over, her hair tied up in a neat bun.

"Mum! Dad! We're ready!" Ash hollered to the two figures locking up the house.

Nadia and Ash jumped excitedly, innocently holding hands as they waited.

Since Ash had been here, he was an outcast mainly due to his white hair.

Nadia, a 'Messiah's Blessed' child had joined him one afternoon and they had been inseparable since.

Though she was curious about how he got here, his parents seemed pretty tight lipped about it.

Even Ash himself couldn't quite remember.

Perhaps a few mountains or snow but that was it.

Every week, Ash's parents brought them something new, exciting.

At first, it was something like a sword with a pretty design.

Then a vase with gems on it.

So on and so forth.

His dad would tell stories when Nadia came over for a sleepover.

Some times it would be the tales of a demon that learned to love. (They would scrunch up their nose in childish disgust when the demon kissed while Honey just laughed.)

Some times it would be about this peculiar thing called 'Magic'.

The term rolled of their tongues smoothly, as if it were from a long lost language.

These were the stories they wanted to hear most.

There was a man that could control the weather, bringing about storms to save people, making the ground swallow up evil kings and queens.

A woman who could see the future, protecting her queen from deaths.

A girl that was lonely, playing with cards until on day, the cards talked back, making her the leader.

Then came an angel that descended from the sky to serve the most beautiful queen of all the lands.

There was one about a princess with long ears, serving years, waiting patiently for her prince.

But of the stories, there was one that towered above the rest.

The only his dad would only talk about when mum was out or sleeping.

The tale of a demon who almost died.

The demon had lost her memory and tried to build herself up once more.

She wore a blank mask, one of solitude to mask away her emotions from the world, to put her kingdom before herself.

The story would always end halfway during the most exciting moments.

And Ash's dad would claim to forget about it the next day, moving to another story.

"Where are we going today, Mrs Angels?" Nadie inquired curiously,"Kanlie? Maest? Haliye? Maybe Minlie?"

Elliot shook her head,"Oh no, Nads. Dream bigger,  would you?"

"Hm..." Nadia closed her eyes before shaking her head,"Nope! No idea!"

"C'mon, mum! Tell us!" Ash shouted,"You and dad have been talking about it throughout month! C'monnnnn!" Ash shook Elliot's hand, pouting.

"Yeah! Yeah! Tell us!" Nadia grinned.

Honey bent down to their height,"We're going to the outside world."

"Outside...World?" Ash and Nadia asked curiously,"But we're outside already..."

Elliot giggled,"No you silly, I mean outside the fog!"

Nadia and Ash's eyes widened in disbelief,"Okay, I know I fell for that stupid prank last week but that was one time!" Ash exclaimed,"Stop pulling my leg and tell us already!"

Honey looked to Elliot with a mischievous smile,"Oh babe, look at that. They don't believe us. Would you look at that? I guess they won't even want to follow us then."

"Hm...I suppose so." Elliot posed like she was thinking,"I guess they don't want to see where we've been getting all those cool things you've been playing with for seven years now."

Nadia reacted immediately,"You mean...Those things...We can find more?!"

Ash's eyes shined once more,"Really?! Okay, I wanna go!"

Honey chortled,"A-alright...Let's get going then. I don't know when we'll be back so say goodbye to Joliye for a bit!"

"Bye bye mister house!" Ash and Nadia hollered as they walked away.

"So where to?" Honey asked Elliot.

Elliot looked up thoughtfully,"If the corruption hasn't spread...I'd like to head to Sinterfelle north of Herulia. But...The kids probably want to meet some humans. So...Let's head to Chilvesivle. It's warmer there so they should be able to handle it better than Innobourough where we found Ash."

"Sounds good. We can head to Kingsland Crosse from there and get to Averoxe."



The boat creaked, Nadia and Ash huddling close together,"Mum...I'm scared..." Ash whispered.

Honey looked over to them,"I never knew I raised such a timid boy. Who was the one shouting at me this morning?"

Ash's face morphed into a scowl,"I-It's just some stupid fog! Forget I ever said anything!"

"Aww, it's alright my babies." Elliot cooed,"We'll be out of this fog in no time. Then it's smooth sailing from then."

I hope...

Nadia stared out curiously,"Ms Elliot, could I ask you a question?"

"What is it dear?"

"If the fog is so easy to go through...Why are we still on the island?"

Elliot bit her lip,"Well...Some people have this thing called mana. This fog is something that blocks people without mana to get out. It's not that they don't want to go out, it's that they can't."

"Then, where can we find mana?" Nadia asked innocently.

"It's...It's in our bodies. Think of it as a gift from god. Only the lucky people get to have mana."

"Then, does this mean Ash and I have mana?"

Elliot bobbed her head,"Mhm. You two have mana. So you'll be able to get through the fog."

Ash looked apprehensive,"Mana? Really mum, I'm about to think that magic is real."

Elliot tilted her head,"It is."

Ash frowned,"Stop joking around mum. Dad's been telling us about how magic in is fairy tales only."

Honey turned his head,"It is in a fairy tale. I'm living in a fairy tale right now, married to the most beautiful woman in the world."

Elliot turned red, looking down quietly as Ash and Nadia scrunched up their nose,"Ewww! Stop flirting and get a room!" Ash groaned.

"Pfft! At least i'm not glueing myself to Nadia twenty four seven." Honey retorted.

Nadia and Ash went red in the face as they separated from each other,"W-w-who says i'm glueing myself to her! I-I'm just... Just cold."

Nadia was quiet, her face tinting red.

Just as Ash was about to retort, Nadia turned her head and saw gigantic landscape from beyond her fog, her eyes widening.

Honey smiled,"There it is. The outside world."

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