Trouble in Paradise

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"You're ignoring me again."

She froze, eyes shutting.

"Are you that determined to keep me out of your life?"


"We can't be good. No matter how hard we resist, we will never be good. This is only prolonging it."


"Why do you have to be so stubborn, Ellie?"

Elliot bit her lip, stopping herself from speaking.

"Why do you torment me so? I...I love you."


"You think i'm using you to become stronger, don't you. You think i'm just here because I want to make you my pawn. You think i'm here to start another war."

Elliot couldn't speak.

The words were stuck in her throat.

Her heart was pounding so hard against her ribcage that she felt like it was about to burst out from her chest.

"Well i'm not. I don't want your power. I-I don't need any power. I just want...You." The voice was quiet, but a blazing determination behind it hid the pleading words.

"I'm...I'm just going to get you all killed. I...I don't want to be evil. If I can prolong it...I'll prolong it for as long as I can. There are somethings worth protecting in this world..." Elliot whispered,"So please...Go."

"No. I won't go today. Call me selfish. But I don't care if the world ends. All I care about is if you're happy or not. And I don't think you're putting happiness first. I can't watch you throw yourself into this. You don't deserve this kind of fate."

An inner storm of turmoil twisted and turned, butterflies flying.

"Ugh. Water...I need water..." Evie got up from her comfy bed, crankily.

As she went down the quiet wooden steps, she heard quiet talking.

"A guest?..." Evie peeked around the corner and into the living room.

Within it were two figures.

Looking up at the larger figure, she saw a mask.

Turning back to her hiding place, Evie covered her mouth as she gasped.

What was a rook doing in Elliot's house?

Her heart thumped, tensions high as she eavesdropped.

"No...Won't go...Selfish...Don't care...World ends...Happy...Not...Putting...First...Don't...This fate." She could just barely hear it.

"Fine. You want to be stubborn? Be that way." The rook's voice grew louder,"I'll be even more selfish than you. I'm the 'King' rook and...A king always gets what he wants."

A muffled cry sounded, silencing both of them.

Evie peeked around and saw the rook remove his mask, pushing Elliot down.

She gasped once more.

It was that man from last time.

He stared longingly into Elliot's eyes, breath ragged as the moonlight flittered through the open blinds, their bodies inches away from each other.

Elliot look up, apprehension evident on her face.

"Let me go!" Elliot whispered harshly, attempting to pull away.

If it went on any longer...

Her self-control would slip.

"No." Honey whispered dangerously as his hot breath fanned against her neck,"I want you. And until you accept it...I won't let you go." His lips morphed into her's, the warm feeling tickling her.

Evie gulped,"I can't believe it."

Honey was aggressive, pushing Elliot down onto the couch, kissing and feeling his way down, sucking on her neck as if it was juicy nectar.

"You're mine." Honey growled,"Nothing's gonna stand in the way of that. Not even this country. Not Alyssa. Not Candie. No one." Honey's red eyes grew intense, even darker than usual.

Elliot was about to explode, her self-control, her power over herself was about to be crushed.

In a final ditch effort, Elliot struggled,"Please..." She whispered,"I can't..."

Honey blinked once.

Then again, his rationality came back to him, a surge of regret came over him as he stared at Elliot's trembling figure.

The moment he realised what he had done, he had killed himself internally over a million times.

"I-I-" The words were stuck in his mouth, knowing no words could express an acceptable apology.

How could have been so stupid?

"I'm sorry." Yet he still muttered those words dumbly, thinking it would resolve the problem of him almost taking Elliot.

"I-I'll leave. I...Please forgive me..." Honey stammered, stumbling back, the plate clattering onto the carpet along with the cookies.

"Please just leave..." Elliot whispered almost inaudibly, her voice devoid of any fighting spirit, shoulders sagged.

"I-I...Yes." Honey walked slowly.

Upon reaching the door he tried to apologise once more,"I-I'm sorry..."

Elliot's face was hidden by her hair, her emotions a mystery to Honey.

She hugged her legs, head resting on them,"Just...Go." Elliot said quietly.

Honey gave a final sorrowful look of complete remorse.

How he wished he had not let emotion take control.


The door was shut quietly, leaving Elliot to her own thoughts.

She didn't know what she was feeling.

Was it happiness that Honey liked her?

But he had just tried to...

A jumble of garbled thoughts and feelings bounced around her head, confusing her.

This feeling was utterly petrifying.

She never wanted to feel it again.

Words simply scratched the surface of such complex emotions within her.

It was best described as a sort of colour.

Two primary colours would make a secondary and so on.

But this, this was mixing every single colour until it resulted in a pitch-black.

Everything being bundled into one black mess that had destroyed every other colour, absorbing so much that it had turned into nothing.

Elliot trembled for a moment before letting her emotions run rampant.

She couldn't contain her feelings in a tight box, her mind simply couldn't do it.

It just wasn't possible, not for a person that had barely lived a third of her lifetime in her past life.

Not for someone who had never experienced any kind of affection besides familial.

Not for someone who didn't even know her purpose in this world.

Twin streaks streamed slowly down her cheeks, every possible emotion of emptiness and lonesomeness she felt.

Every feeling of despair and negativity, she felt.

It was a cesspool of misery and Elliot was in the middle of it all, drowning in her own sorrow as she made no attempt to struggle out of it, her feelings slowly devouring her.

It was a loop that she couldn't quite escape.

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