Shut Up

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A faint voice woke Elliot up.

Her entire body felt lighter, as if someone had infused her with their magic.

The voice got louder.

"I'm sorry...For everything i've done to make you mad..."

"Just stop avoiding me..."

"I can't hold on..."

Elliot instantly knew who it was.

Had Honey been taking to her since she fell asleep?

What time was it?

Honey's warmth radiated, his large hands engulfing her petite sized ones.

Her heart raced, faster and louder than ever.

Her entire body felt like it was on fire, as if it was begging.

Begging for more.

For him.

Elliot subconsciously bit her lip, eyes closed as she listened in on Honey.

He voiced his apologies in almost every line, the faint sniffing nearly breaking her.

She wanted to jump up and hug him.

To tell him that everything was better, that she would never leave him again.

But could she promise that?

She didn't know.

I...I'm the biggest jerk.

Making Honey feel like he was responsible for all this...I...

"I...Yeah. That's what I wanted to say...I know you can't hear me but...Maybe this is a start." Honey finally stopped.

The final three words were stuck in his throat.

He couldn't say them.

It didn't feel right to say them after all he'd done.

He stared at Elliot, her lips coming into view.

Rosy red, lighted by the moonlight shimmering as the stars littering the sky glittered, a gentle luminous gleam smiling down at the world beneath it.

If he...Her lips...She wouldn't notice.

Temptation drew him in, closer and closer.

He felt Elliot's breath fan on his face, her peaceful look, the pearly white light illuminating her face, as f she were an angel sent down by the gods above as a harbinger of peace, bringing about love.

By now, they were less than a few centimetres apart.

A single move would close the gap between them.

Honey entertained the thought before shaking his head,"No no no. This isn't right I don't want to kiss her like this..." Honey started to move away when-

A hand pulled at his collar, bringing him closer until their lips collided.

Sparks flew as Honey let out a muffled cry,"Mffm?!"

His eyes were fixated on Elliot's face, her teeth nibbling gently on his lips.

They parted, allowing her entry.

She was ravenous, exploring every nook and cranny until she knew them down to the littlest of details.

They parted after what seemed like eternity, both breathless.

"Elliot I-" Honey was cut off by Elliot cupping his mouth.

"If you're sorry, just shut up." Elliot said softly, pulling him into bed with her as she pushed him down into the soft bed.

Honey was startled by Elliot's aggressive moves, powerless to struggle.

"Embarrassing me every time we're alone..." Elliot mumbled in his ear,"I'll show you..." Their lips parted frequently, erratic.

Elliot moved from his lips and moved downwards, her hands tracing the scars littered all over his body.

Honey felt her hot breath on his body, he quivered slightly as he let out a shaky breath, struggling to control himself.

God, she was practically trying to make him lose control.

Elliot's hand reached his inner thigh, her teeth nibbling on his ear, breathing softly.

Her hand wandered up, slowly undoing the button before silently slipping in with an inaudible 'swish'.

Honey panted raggedly,"If you go on...I won't be able to control myself..." Honey growled quietly.

"Lose yourself then." Elliot mumbled, red in the face.

Needless to say, they didn't get much sleep last night.

In actuality, they didn't sleep at all until the crack of dawn.


"Ngh..." Honey woke up, his body feeling extremely sore but his heart jumped in utter joy and elation.

Feeling the small figure beside him, hugging his arm, he felt content.

"It wasn't...A dream." Honey whispered, grinning like a fool to himself,"It was real."

His movements roused Elliot,"Just...Five more minutes...Then we can do it again..." Elliot said softly, snuggling up closer to him, causing a certain tightness in his southern area.

Honey laid back down, staring at the girl beside him.

He wished the night had lasted forever.

That he could rewind time and relive it all over again.

"Wait." Honey went pale,"I...I...In her...Oh no. What if she-No. If she does get..." Honey had not the courage to utter the word,"I'll take responsibility." Honey muttered to himself.

On the inside though, he was secretly hoping for it.

Elliot woke up feeling similarly sore.

A certain part of her felt content and overjoyed, yet some part felt hesitancy.

But for once, Elliot chose to be optimistic.

She focused on what happened last night, the memories very fresh in her mind.

Had she been too loud?

Was she too aggressive?

Questions bugged her to no end as she let out a tiny squeak when Honey's gravelly voice came over,"Morning."

"M-morning." Elliot muttered, hiding her face in the pillows, suddenly aware of both their lack of clothing.

Only a blanket covered them.

"C-could you..."

"Hm?" Honey asked.

He was teasing her.

"Get me clothes?..." Elliot said quietly, her head down sheepishly.

"Hm? My, my. I think my hearing's gone bad. I can't seem to hear you." Honey grinned.

"You!..." Elliot scrunched up her nose in displeasure, covering herself with the blanket,"Get me some clothes!" She shouted softly.

"Hm I-"

"I'll kill you." Elliot said dangerously.

Honey laughed,"Alright, alright you win. You win."

Honey stood up, baring it all.

Elliot saw that thing.

It had been in her, taken her first.

She blushed furiously, looking like a tomato as it reached her neck.

She buried her face in the blankets as Honey wiggled his eyebrows suggestively,"Like what you see? Don't be shy, i'm all yours babe."

"Shut up and get me my clothes!" Elliot shouted, her voice muffled by the sheets she was currently using to hide her face.

Oh how she wished she had her mask right now.

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