I'm Sorry

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Months passed agonisingly slow for Honey.

His heart felt soul-crushing pain every time he saw her.

She was avoiding it.

He knew.

Burying herself in work to the brink of exhaustion.

The more he talked, the more she worked.

It was like vicious cycle that consumed them, and they were unable to crawl out of it.

But today, today was worse than ever.

Elliot had been on a work binge for three weeks straight.

A bit of food, some water and absolutely no sleep.

Her eyes had dark bags under them, her face deathly pale from sleep depravation.

Even a demon needed rest once in a while.

"Master...Is worrying me." Belladonna pointed out as they gathered once more for their weekly meeting.

"She's been holing herself up in that cramped room doing paperwork...She's barely touched the food and she hasn't slept in...Three weeks." Abigail said quietly.

All eyes turned to Honey.

Honey was taken aback and sighed,"I know you don't trust me...But it really wasn't me this time."

They turned to Belladonna who nodded.

"[Third Eye: All-Seeing]." Belladonna casted, an unblinking eye appeared on her forehead, staring into the depths of Honey's dark soul.

After a few moments, Belladonna retracted her gaze,"He isn't lying. Either that or he doesn't know he's doing it."

"Has something happened recently?" Katherine questioned.

"Uhm...There's that matter of the assassination attempt..." Elizabeth pointed out meekly, feeling extremely conscious of how weak she was amongst the group.

She knew how privileged she was to sit shoulder to shoulder beside them.

They were higher in rank than her father, and by proxy, her.

"Assassination? When?" Persicus asked.

"Y-you were there! H-have you really forgotten?!" Elizabeth asked in shock.

"Oh that? Belladonna found out way before it happened. Doesn't count." Persicus dismissed,"Besides, master won't die that easy. It took billions last time to severely wound her, let alone kill her."

"..." Elizabeth was speechless at their indifference and had to remind herself that they were people who had some sense of rationality and that she was the odd one out here.

Either she was insane or they were.

"Well...I can't tell." Belladonna said with finality in her voice,"I've exhausted every single method, truly. I can't find out why...Master's defence even when she's off guard...It's impeccable."

"We could always fill the room with sleeping gas. That'd make master sleep." Candie joked, lightening the tense atmosphere as chuckles were shared.

"That might work..." Honey took it seriously, unable to tell that it was a joke due to his worrying.

When it came to Elliot, nothing else matter until she was better.

But ever since that incident when he told her...That.

They were't the same.

"Honey, it's a joke. Candie's joking." Alyssa said to Honey,"Don't take it seriously."

"No, we need to get Elliot some sleep before sh-"

Elliot burst into the room, scaring the group as she wobbled unsteadily, almost falling over,"I need some help with the...The...The guard deployment. At...Abigail's..." Elliot was pausing every once in a while, swaying as she attempted to lean on the wall for support.

"Abigail's...city...Help...Ngh..." Elliot's eyes drooped, her legs gave way and the papers in her hands scattered as she fell.

Honey's eyes widened, he rushed to her and caught her right before her head hit the ground,"Elliot!" Honey shouted, anxiety filling him as he pressed his hand to her wrist.

The faint heartbeat was a small relief to him.

Honey breathed out,"She's...Just sleep deprived."

Katherine smacked her head,"Master actually pushed herself this hard...Dummy..."

"Master's been working harder than any of us." Alyssa admitted,"Let's get her some sleep...I'm pretty sure we can finish up the rest for her after we pu-"

"You can continue the meeting. I'll bring her."

"Bu-" Abigail was cut off by Belladonna pressing her hand on her shoulder.

Abigail saw the look and nodded, keeping quiet.

Honey said his quiet farewells to the group and left.

Reaching Elliot's private chambers, he opened the door with a quiet creak.

The sweet scent of citrus lingered in the air, releasing his tension as he set Elliot down on her bed.

Pulling a chair from the desk with paperwork all over it, Honey watched over Elliot quietly.

Her face was illuminated by the warm golden rays shining dimly through the translucent curtains.

She almost looked angelic from afar.

After three weeks, he finally had a quiet moment together alone with Elliot.

Granted, she was fast asleep and couldn't fight back or move away.

"Elliot I...I'm sorry." Honey apologised out of nowhere,"I know you can't hear me now but...I'm sorry."

Elliot's eyes were shut, her breathing constant.

"I don't know why you've been ignoring me or what came over me that night...But i'm sorry. I-I know that whatever I say can't make a difference but I need to get it out." Honey's voice wavered.

"Seeing you repress your emotions...I can't take it anymore. Why are you harming yourself like this?...Do you hate feeling things about me? Do you shut your feelings up because you despise me? I-I don't know."

"I don't know why we've changed so much in these past few thousand years. It feels like we're closer...But drifting farther apart with every passing day. Every time you pass me without saying a word, when you dismiss me without sparing a glance..." Honey grit his teeth, holding back tears forming in his eyes.

"It hurts, Elliot. I-It hurts a lot." Honey held on to Elliot's hand, laughing mockingly at himself,"I've waited twenty thousand years for my friend back...And i've fallen for her in less than two. What a joke I am."

"But I can't stop it. My heart beats a million times whenever you're beside me. It swells with warmth when you praise me...And...And it wrenches up in agony when you ignore me. When you dismiss me. When you try to avoid me."

Honey ranted for hours on end, voicing his self-loathing, his sorrow and such.

For those short few hours before night fell, he wore his heart on his sleeve and words poured out like a waterfall.

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