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Alexa, Emma, and David sit on the floor with crib pieces scattered all around them

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Alexa, Emma, and David sit on the floor with crib pieces scattered all around them.

"I've seen enemy battle plans that were easier to decode than this." David muses.

"I don't doubt that." Alexa sighs and looks over at her sister. "Em, do you understand any of this gibberish?"

"Alright, it says take screws E with washers D through bar C using wrench F which.. is not provided." Emma says.

"Why don't I just call Marco? He's really good at this sort of thing." Mary Margret suggests from her chair.

"No, we're fine." David assures her.

"Should we even be doing this? Ever since the showdown between Regina and the Wicked Witch we haven't seen Zelena or Gold at all. Shouldn't we be focusing on her next move?" Mary Margret questions.

"Please, we have plenty of time for that." Alexa scoffs letting out a small laugh. "And besides, we can't stop living our lives because we're scared of the Wicked Witch. We're not a bunch of eight year olds."

"And this crib is a statement." David adds. "We're not gonna lose another baby."

"And thanks to me you won't." Regina remarks walking in. "I'm finished."

"So — did it work? Were you able to put up a new protection spell?" David inquires.

"One that can't be undone by blood magic, which means Zelena won't be able to put her hands on that baby." Regina informs them.

"Any idea why she would want to?" Mary Margret asks.

"The number of spells involving baby parts would surprise you. That greenie is clearly one twisted witch." Regina retorts. "But as long as we're in here we're safe."

"Hold up, we're not actually just gonna stay locked up in here, are we?" Alexa questions, but no one answers her. "No offense but that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. We need to take the fight to her, see how she likes it."

"Did you not see how I barely outwitted her yesterday? She has magic — powerful magic." Regina exclaims.

"Yeah, and so do I." Alexa reminds her. "I mean, maybe if we did a little team tag sort of thing.."

"Now why does this feel so familiar?" Regina inquires.

"I can do this, I'm ready now." Alexa tells her.

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