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"Snow and the Queen settled their differences

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"Snow and the Queen settled their differences. Frankly, I was bored. I had a life to get back to — a pirate's life." Killian informs her as Alexa pours them both a drink.

"Still the same pirate, I see." Alexa comments.

"There wasn't anything for me in the Enchanted Forest. Why would I stay?" Killian says as he grabs his drink as he stares at her, and Alexa can't help but smile at that. "All was well until I got a message, a message saying that there was a new curse and that everyone had been returned to Storybrooke. The message told me that the only hope was you."

"You came back to save my family?" Alexa inquires.

"I came back to save you." Killian answers.

"Who could've done it?" Alexa asks downing her drink.

"Someone powerful enough to reach into this world." Killian replies.

"You can't be more specific than that?" Alexa questions.

"Alas, you're the savior — not me." Killian states.

"Apparently I am." Alexa muses. "Do you want to hear the irony about this whole situation? Just yesterday I was thinking about how good my life with Henry is — was. Now everything that I went through this year, everything that happened to us seems like.. a dream. A dream that's no longer a reality."

"Well, you have what matters most. Your boy." Killian reminds her.

"And now I'm gonna have to find a way to explain this to him." Alexa groans.

"Alas I could only scavenge together enough for one dose of memory potion." Killian admits.

"Wonderful." Alexa mutters when the doorbell buzzes.

"Who's that?" Killian inquires.

"Walsh." Alexa breathes.

"I could get rid of him." Killian suggests.

"No, wait." Alexa stops him before he can get up. "My memories may not be real, but he is. And so has every second of the last eight months that we've spent together. I need to deal with this, I owe him an explanation."

"What are you gonna say to him?" Killian asks as Alexa grabs her coat.

"I have no idea, but I'm not going to drag him into.. all of this. He's a good guy. He deserves better than me and my craziness." Alexa tells him. "Wait here, please."

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