Chapter Three: Lunch Time

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CJ's P.O.V

While talking to the girls and our boyfriends, Jack taps my shoulder. "Babe! Look at Conor and Lils. They look... cosy don't they?" Jack laughs, I turn to see what Jack was on about. Oh, my God, they do! I thought to myself, "Yes they do Jack, I think they're getting along just fine." I giggle, I turn to Jack to see him smirking at me. "Ah, you have such a flirty laugh, Miss Taylor," Jack said in his flirty tone. It's very attractive believe-you-me. "Why, thank you, Mr Maynard!" I say before Jack leans in to kiss me, how I love it when he kisses me. Second later baring in mind while Jack and I are having a good old smooch, Erin shouts "Cor' you two get a room haha!" Jack and I break away feeling slightly embarrassed, however, I don't care and I don't think Jack does either. "Love you, Jack Christopher Maynard..." I say, "Love you too, Charlotte Jessica Taylor..." He replies before giving me a quick peck on the lips.

Seconds later, Lilsie (that's Lillie's nickname we've called her that since Nursery) and Conor come and sit down on the grass. Lillie seems to be wiping tears of laughter while Conor seems to be wheezing of laughter. "You two alright?" I ask, "Yeah, Conor was just telling me how he let Jack go off on a zip-wire and his tooth went through his lip! You're so mean Conor haha!" Lillie says laughing her head off, Conor joining in. "It's was bloody painful I'll tell you that for nothing," Jack said laughing slightly. 

Conor's P.O.V

After Lillie and I eventually, calm ourselves down, we eat our lunch. I look at what my Mum, Helen made for me. Godsakes, she's made me Tuna and Mayo! That's one thing I've gone off since hitting puberty (internally sighing here), "Jack, Mum's made me Tuna and Mayo again! What you got mate?" I ask hoping it's sommat I'll like, "Mother has made me... Ham and Mustard." Oh, God. Mustard is another thing I've gone off (again internally sighing) "I've got Cheese and Tomato if you want it, I love Tuna and Mayo." Lillie says smiling, "Are you sure?" I ask, "Yeah! 100%!" Lillie replies, "Aw, thank you." I say in relief. 

After eating that amazing Sandwich, the boys and I play some football to pass the remaining time we've got. "GO ON CONOR! GET IT IN THE BACK OF THE NET! YOU WERE IN DREAM TEAM FOR GOODNESS SAKE!" I hear Lillie shout, I look at her and smile. Since late Primary School and at since then I've always fancied her. She's smart, funny, attractive. Seconds later, I kick the ball so hard I shoot it in the back of the net! "YAY! GO CONOR MAYNARD!" Lillie shouts I bow in a jokey way making Lillie laugh. I look at the time and tell everyone know that we gotta head back to school for more boring AF lessons. But, Lillie's in all my lessons so I'm happy!

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