Chapter 19: Added to the Wrong Conversation

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Jack Maynard added CJ Taylor and Lillie-Louise Bennett to: The Buttercream Squad

CJ's P.O.V

Lillie and I were on our phone just chilling out after the previous night at "DRAMA" our WhatsApp goes off. We've both been added to a group chat, we look at each other confused. We go-to our accounts and see that the chat is called: The Buttercream Squad - oh my God.

Joe: Did you add Abe and Bertie?

Jack: Yeah, I did.

CJ: Well, I'm certainly no Abe lol!

Lillie: And I'm definitely not Bertie 😂!

Caspar: Wait? Who are you both then? 😂

CJ: I'm CJ Taylor - I think you added the wrong people Jack. You added Lillie too.

Lillie: Yeah, you kinda did mate.

Conor: Lillie? It's Conor.

Lillie: Oh, ermmm hey Conor! You alright?

Conor: Yeah, I'm good. You?

Lillie: Yeah, I'm fine :)

Mikey: Oh, my Christ! This'll be awkward for the Maynard Brothers 😂

CJ: You ain't changed Mikey, you're still the same dickhead lol!

Mikey: You've not been apart of our chat for five minutes, and you've already started CJ. Why are you being a bitch? You don't even know us anymore!

I've seen red, I was only joking!

Lillie: Mikey what the fuck is wrong with you? Don't you dare talk to my soul sister like that!

Mikey: Don't you start Lillie! You and CJ are as bad as each other! Always talking to me like shit!

Jack: Mikey, fuck off! Don't talk to them like that!

After a few minutes of Conor and Jack defending us this happens:

Conor Maynard removed Michael Pearce from the Buttercream Squad

Josh: You alright girls?

CJ: Yeah, I'm fine. Mikey was just being goddamn rude. Nothing new lol!

Lillie: Yeah, I'm fine thank you, Josh. Yeah, he was just rude.

Oli: Are you lot still friends with the Sweetcream Squad girls?

CJ: Sorta. We kinda grew apart a few years ago - we still keep in touch at times. But it's not like it was before. Do you talk to them Oli?

Oli: Yeah, it's the same for me really. We still talk on SM at times but it's not like before, when we were in school.

Conor: Maybe we should all try and get back in touch in some way. All the Sweetcream and Buttercream have a group chat - only if you're all comfortable with it.

I turn to Lillie, I can see her smiling at the messages. We're both comfortable with it, we both reply saying we're fine with it. A few seconds later this happens:

Conor Maynard created the Old Friends group chat

Conor: It's created! Who's ready for a catch up? ❤️

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