Chapter 22: Hello

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Conor's P.O.V

We were all sitting at one big table by a window in Starbucks awaiting on Lillie's and CJ's arrival. I had a wave of anxiety come over me, nervousness, and slightly a bit of dread. Lillie and I haven't seen each other since our break-up, it wasn't a bad break-up, we didn't end things on a low - it was just sad. What if we don't get on? What if something happens between us in here in front of everyone? What if something just horribly wrong happens? Oh for God sake, pull yourself together Conor! Nothing is going to happen, just be yourself like you always have been. Everything will be fine.

A black BMW X5 pulls up outside of Starbucks. I tap signal everyone to look out from the window, seeing if it's the girls. A dirty blonde haired girl and a mousey-brown hair get out from the car, my suspicions have been confirmed. It's Charlotte Jessica Taylor, and girl I called mine eight years ago. The little London Girl I fell in love with eight years ago. Lillie. She looks perfect. She's wearing black ripped jeans, a floral vest-top, a black leather jacket that I can tell instantly is from All Saints, and white converse. Her makeup suits her complexion perfectly, her pale skin given the most amazing bronzed look to bring out her natural beauty. Her hair looks like she's given it the Californian beach waved look, it also accentuates her little red highlights going through the ends of her hair. An angel  walking.

The members of the Sweetcream Squad ran up to Lillie and CJ engulfing them in one massive group hug. They haven't all seen each other like this since we were all teenagers, yet it is kind of like nothing has changed too, you can tell they all still have that sisterly connection. It's amazing to see. 

"The squad has been reunited!" Erin says happily wiping away her happy tears,

"Do you have any idea how amazing it feels to see you all again?" Emily asks,

"I think we all have a feeling Emzy," CJ says smiling wildly, 

"Come on lets all go and get some drinks. The boys have given us a list of what they want. Conor insisted in paying. He said he wanted to treat all of us," I hear Charley say.

Jack's P.O.V

The girls come back to the table with the drinks and cake. I can't stop smiling at CJ. She looks perfect. She's wearing white skinny jeans, a pale blue shirt accompanied with a black bomber jacket and pale yellow converse. Her makeup is minimal but looks so glamorous. Her hair is in a messy bun, little flicks of her popping out of the sides it looks so cute. I feel so happy to be around her like this again.

"Hello," I say as CJ sits down opposite me,

"Hello," she smiles,

"How are you?" I ask,

"I'm good thank you. How have you been?" She replies placing her knuckles under her chin,

"I've been really good thank you. Have you been up to anything nice recently?" I ask,

"Well, Lillie and I have just come back from LA after being there for two weeks, as we had some work that needed sorting out there, like our DJ stuff, Lillie going to recording studios for her album, she also did so beauty work out there too for a music video that The Vamps and The New Hope Club have filmed, I had to do a couple of DJ sets while out there for a few nightclubs. It's just been manic as hell recently Jack. What about you?" She replies, wow she and Lillie has been very busy,

"Wow! It sounds like it has been manic for the pair of you. I have been finalising some work for my tour that's coming up in October, filming videos, Conor and I have just recorded the music video for the next GOAT single, DJing with George, going to places abroad, photoshoots and like you and Lillie CJ, it has been manic as hell!" I reply laughing at the end,

"Wow! That's brilliant Jack, I'm happy for you. And for you and Conor too with all the GOAT projects. The music you both produce is brilliant, and bloody hilarious. I'm really happy for you," CJ replies smiling,

"Aw, thank you so much! I'm happy for you too, you have clearly been working very hard. You and Lillie, I'm happy for you both," I reply,

"Thank you, Jack," CJ smiles,

Erin's P.O.V

I'm sitting opposite my amazing boyfriend James and sat in between Lillie and Charley. It feels brilliant to be around all my best friends again. It reminds me of school days,

"You alright babe?" James asks,

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm so happy!" I say excitedly,

"I'm happy that you're happy Erin," James smiles,

"I love you," I say,

"I love you too," James replies quickly leaning over to peck me on the lips.

I look at Lillie and Conor, CJ and Jack. They're talking like they used to, like couples. I think today might end in the power couples getting back together. Being around all the Sweetcream and Buttercream feels amazing. I really hope we can do this more often now.

It's now 16:00 PM and we have been here for six hours. We have been having the most amazing laughs, catch-ups the whole lot. Today has been amazing, and there is still more to come for the rest of the night! I cannot wait.

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