Chapter 13: "I need to get away from everyhing and everyone"

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Rebecca's P.O.V

We've all arrived back to Brighton now. I don't wanna be back here. I need to get away from everything and everyone - including the Sweetcream. I go on my blue HP laptop, go on British Airways and type in "Trips to: Ohio" I book a flight that's leaving tonight, and I've got a return ticket for four weeks time, I message my two friends Drew and Levi they're an America singing duo with the group called: O.D.L which stands for: Our Dysfunctional Life, they both live in Ohio:

Rebecca: Hey, Drew and Levi! I'm going through some bad shit at the moment, I've booked a plane ticket to Ohio for four weeks - can I stay with you both? Rx

Levi instantly replies:

Levi: Yo, Beckyyyyy! Yeah, sure you can stay with us. Are you ok? Lx

Drew replies also:

Drew: Nice one!! Our girls gonna stay with us - you all good Becky? Dx

I reply:

Rebecca: Oh, thank you, boys! I'll explain everything when I arrive at yours. I'll see you both soon x

Drew and Levi both say that's fine and that they'll see me soon. I go-to my suitcase and pack some summer time clothes as it'll be really hot in Ohio, I pack some skincare, natural makeup, once I'm all packed I write a letter to my Mum:

Dear, Mum,

You might be wondering where the hell I am. Well, because of all the crap that's gone on recently with me and George and him dumping me via text I've felt really shit for ages. I've booked a plane ticket to Ohio for four weeks - don't worry I'm staying with Drew and Levi. I'll be fine. I'll message you when I'm at the airport, when I'm in Ohio and when I'm with Drew and Levi.

Say sorry to the girls from me that I didn't say goodbye and that I love em'.

Love you Mum,
Becky x

Time to leave now.

"Bye Brighton, see you when I come back," I say before walking out the door, to get a train en route to Victoria Station to then get to Greenwich from there then, a plane from London City Airport to Ohio.

Erin's P.O.V

Sitting with all the Sweetcream and Buttercream I get a phone call from Rebecca's landline number. That's odd she usually calls from her mobile,

"Hello?" I say,

"Hello, is that Erin?" A woman asks,

"Yes it is - who's calling?" I ask putting my phone on speaker,

"It's Rebecca Mum, Ivy,"

"Oh, hello Ivy! How can I help you?" I ask,

"Becky has left the UK, she's on a plane to Ohio!" She says sounding worried,

"What?! Why?" I ask frantically, the girls all stand up and get closer to the phone,

"It's because of all the stuff to do with her recent break-up with George. She's gone to see Drew and Levi," her Mum replies,

"Can someone contact Drew and Levi? Asking what time Becky will be over there? I'm really worried!" Ivy replies,

"Gimme the phone," Lillie whispers, I pass the phone to her so she can talk to Ivy,

Lillie's P.O.V

"Hi, there Ivy. It's Lillie." I say,

"Hello, darling, I'm really worried," she says sounding like she's gonna lose her mind with worry,

"Don't panic, I can contact Drew and Levi on Facebook, we're friends on there," I say signing into my Facebook from Conor's computer,

"Thank you, darling. Will you let me know what they say?" She asks,

"Of course, speak soon Ivy," I say,

"Thank you. Bye," she says before hanging up,

I go-to my direct messages and send a message to Levi's profile,

Lillie-Louise Bennett: Hi, Levi! It's Lillie, Rebecca's friend. Her Mum's just of the phone to us and said Becky was coming to yours. Do you know around what time she'll be at yours? Her Mum is seriously worried." I type sending to Levi. He replies only a few seconds later,

Levi Jones: Hiya, Lillie! Becky will be here around early hours of tomorrow morning. Around 1AM, I'll message you when she we've got her - Drew and I are picking her up from the airport."

I reply:

"Thank you, so much Levi. I'll forward this to her Mum Ivy - she'll really appreciate this. Thank you! :)."

I've forwarded the messages to Ivy, she's definitely happy to know around when she'd be getting there.

Levi's P.O.V

It's just after 1AM. Drew and I can see Becky walking through customs, thank God she got here all in one piece,

"Hey, Becky!" Drew and I say engulfing her in a hug,

"Hey, you two. Thank you so much for this," Becky replies smiling,

"No problem, now message your Mom let her know you got here ok," I say,

"I'm on it now," she laughs,

"Right, let's get you back to ours then," Drew says before walking us all back-to the car.

CJ's P.O.V

"Ivy has messaged me, Becky is with Drew and Levi all safe and sound," I say to everyone,

"Thank, God!" Erin says in relief,

"Right now she's all safe, imma gonna go home to bed," I laugh,

"Yeah, good idea. Can I still come with ya CJ?" Lillie asks,

"Of course, soul sis. You're always welcome!" I say.

We've said our goodbyes to everyone, now Lillie and I are on our way back home to mine. I can't wait to get to bed, I think Lillie can't wait either! What a day.

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