Chapter 27: Morning Sickness

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Lillie's P.O.V

I wake up and I can feel an urge coming up from my stomach, I run as swiftly to the bathroom as I possibly can, I lift the toilet seat and the hot, burning puke comes up from out of my mouth. I feel someone move my hair away from my face and rub back,

"Christ on a bike, alright Lillie. Let it out boo," A familiar female voice say to me. Once I've finished doing my business and have flushed the toilet, I turn around to see one of my closest friends Louise Williams smiling sympathetically,

"Thanks Lou," I say smiling slightly,

"Cor' you got a bit drunk last night didn't ya," Louise laughs,

"Just a tad yeah," I laugh too,

"D'you need some painkillers?" Louise asks,

"Yes please hun," I say. Louise smiles and walks outta the bathroom to the kitchen to get some tablets, then I realise... I was meant to have my period a week ago. I'm late? This hasn't happened since I was fourteen, when I had thyroid issues. I walk to the kitchen and see Louise getting my tablets,

"Lil? You alright babe? You look as white as a sheet!" Louise says with a wave of concern and worry through her voice,

"I... erm... I've skipped a period..." I say running my fingers through my hair,

"Shit... are you pregnant?!" Louise asks running to me wrapping her arm around my shoulders,

"I don't know!" I say,

"When was the last time you and Conor... you know... did the dance?" She asks, I laugh slightly she does make me giggle this one,

"Like a week and a half ago," I say looking up at her,

"D'you think that's the reason you threw up? And not the drink?" She asks calming like,

"It could be partly the reason, however, us girls got fucking bladdered last night," I say, all of the girls from the groupchat went out last night, I added Louise a few days before and we all decided to go on a girls night out last night,

"Maybe you should do a test," Louise says,

"Will you come with me to get one? I need some moral support right now..." I say, probably sounding like a right wuss,

"Of course Lil, did you really have to ask?" Louise smiles at me,

"Thank you hunni," I smile giving Louise a hug,

—- Time Skip —-

I'm sitting on the toilet with Louise by my side, anxiously awaiting for the pregnancy test to say whether I'm pregnant or not... this has to be one of the most anxious, terrifying, suspenseful times of my life,

"Whatever happens Lils, just remember that we're all here for you," Louise smiles at me reassuringly,

"Thanks darlin," I say, before looking back at the test. Holy Jesus Mother of Mary,

"Oh, my God..." I say with an emotional voice,

"YOU'RE PREGNANT!!!" Louise shouts happily. Words cannot describe how happy I actually am right now, I thought I'd be on the floor crying out of destress, but, I've found myself jumping up and down with joy!

"OH MY GOD LOUISE!" I say happily. Just as we're going mental with happiness, the front door opens,

"Babe? It's me!" I hear Conor shout,

"Go, go tell him!" Louise say happily, I smile and run outta the bathroom and run to the front door, into Conor's arms with the biggest smile on my face imaginable!

"Someone's in a good mood," Conor laughs hugging me,

"Well, that's because I have sommat to give to you," I say looking into his beautiful blue eyes,

"Really?" Conor says with that mysterious look on his face,

"Come upstairs," I run dragging him with me,

"You're gonna break my arm!" Conor roars with laughter,

I bring him to my bed and sit him down,

"What's going on?" He laughs nervously,

"Close your eye," I say, he sighs, laughs and closes his eye,

"Hold out your hands," I say, he holds out his hands. I grab the pregnancy test from the bathroom, with Louise giving me the good luck face, I smile and mouth "thank you." I go back to my room with Conor in the same way he was sitting just a minute ago. I put the pregnancy test in his hands and tell him to open his eyes. He opens his eyes studying the test, he looks up at me with the biggest smile I've ever seen, he jumps and and spins me around,

"I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" He shouts with pure glee, he puts me down and kisses me all over my face, me laughing my head off,

"WE'RE GONNA BE PARENTS!" Conor shouts with pure happiness, before leaning in to kiss my lips.

This is happening, Conor and I are gonna be parents! This is real, oh, my God - I'm so excited!

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