Chapter 12: HEADLINES

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Jack's P.O.V

I'm sat backstage with everyone, it's the final show for my UK tour. I'm actually really nervous for this, I don't even know why - I guess it's last day nerves if that's even a thing. I go-to Twitter and tweet about the last show:

@Jack_Maynard23: Cannot believe it's the last night of my UK Tour. You're support on the tour and everything I've done and am still doing in regard to my career. I love every single one of you! Enjoy tonight for the final show guys! ❤️

A few seconds later I get a mention from a girl who went to my Milli Party back in July. I remember meeting this girl, I mentioned her in a tweet a while back:

@ChloeNiellJLS: Hiya Jack! Of course, we're gonna support you - you're an amazing person. We all love you dearly! Congratulations on everything you've done are are still doing. Can't wait for tonight, it's gonna be amaze-balls 🎊🎉❤️

I reply:

Replying to @ChloeNiellJLS: Aw, thank you, for the tweet Chloe. I love all of you too!!! Hope you enjoy tonight :)

A few minutes later my beautiful girlfriend CJ comes and sits with me,

"You alright babe?" She asks holding my hand,

"Yeah, I'm all good. Just last minute nerves," I smile going red,

"You're so cute!" She coos, leaning in to hen me a kiss,

"Love you hun," I say

"I. Love. You. Too!" She says,

"Jack, you've gotta go up now. Who's coming up with you now? Apart from George of course," my manager Lexi asks,

"Everyone in this room," I say "they'll be staying up there for the whole thing too," I add,

"Ok! Come on the guys!" Lexi says. We all walk upto the entrance from where I come out behind the stage, seconds later a board flashes up on the screen with the Headlines logo, I hear the crowd shouting,


"HELLO LONDONNNNNN!!! Are you guys ready... TO PARTY!!!" I shout, the crowd goes wild!

An hour into the show, I say,

"So. As you know the Sweetcream Squad and Buttercream Squad are all up here tonight. Well, one of the Sweetcreams are gonna be singing for us tonight. CJ! Can you get the song ready please love?" I say,

"Of course I can babe!" CJ says, she walks upto my DJ decks, she doesn't need help she has her own DJ tours. She's an insane DJ.

"Would the person who's sing get ready?" Jack says,

Lillie's P.O.V

Jack's manager Lexi passes me a microphone secretly. No one apart from Jack and CJ knows I'm singing tonight - I'm gonna be singing Everybody by the Queen Madonna! I'm really nervous, however, really excited too!

"CJ, play the song babe!" Jack says, CJ clicks on the button to play the song, the music starts and I jump out from the Sweetcream and Buttercream, baring in mind Conor was standing next to me, so I'm even more nervous!

"I know you've been waiting, yeah
I've been watching you, yeah
I know you wanna get up, yeah
Come on"


Everybody, come on, dance and sing
Everybody, get up and do your thing
Everybody, come on, dance and sing
Everybody, get up and do your thing

Let the music take control
Find a groove and let yourself go
When the room begins to sway
You know what I'm trying to say

Come on, take a chance
Get up and start the dance
Let the D.J. shake you
Let the music take you


Let your body take a ride
Feel the beat and step inside
Music makes the world go 'round
You can turn your troubles upside down

Gonna have to change your mind
Gonna leave your troubles behind
Your body gets the notion
When your feet can make the motion

[chorus, repeat]

Dance and sing, get up and do your thing [repeat 3 times]

I know you've been waiting, yeah, yeah
I see you sitting there, I've been watching you
Across the room, yeah, yeah
I've been watching you, I see you sitting there by yourself
Yeah, yeah
Come on, come on, come on


Let the music take control
Find a groove and let yourself go
When the room begins to sway
You know what I'm trying to say

After singing the entire song and dancing around too, everyone goes mental. Jack comes upto me and says,

"Bloody hell, that was brilliant wasn't it guys?" Jack says into a mic, everyone shouts yes,

"Where the hell did that come from?" Conor asks,

"Jack asked me a couple of months ago, Jack, Lexi and CJ knew but no one else haha!" I laugh,

Jack's P.O.V

The final show was a brilliant success, Conor and I sang Grenade and First Car, The Vamps came out, Roman Kemp, Vicki Hope and Will Manning came out, Union J came out, Rita Ora, Justin Timberlake, Bieber the whole lot. We all get back to the hotel and I'm absolutely shattered, we a go-to our rooms, CJ gets changed and I just stay in my Calvin Klein boxers. When CJ and I get into bed we wrap each other up in our arms,

"I'm so proud of you Jack Maynard," CJ smiles,

"I'm so lucky to have you CJ, I fucking love you," I say

"And I. Fucking love you too," CJ says before kissing me passionately, we make out for a solid five minutes. This girl means the world to me, I worship the floor she walks on.

"Night, Miss Taylor,"

"Night, Mr Maynard,"

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