Chapter 8: This Is a Day to Remember for the rest of my Life

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Lillie's P.O.V

I'm here sat in the Gleam Futures sitting area, crikey these sofas are super comfy! I'm bricking this interview, what if I mess it up? What if sommat goes wrong? What if they think I'm rubbish? What if...?

"Pull yourself together Lillie, just give this your best shot! You'll be fine!" I say to myself, trying to calm my nerves. Soon after calming myself down, a young woman comes and sits down next to me, she has big blue eyes, blonde and ashy hair, amazing makeup and her dress sense is amazing!

"Are you here for an interview?" The young woman asks,

"Yeah, I am - I'm so nervous!" I reply,

"Me too, I keep telling myself I'll be fine, however, that doesn't stop me from feeling terrified somewhat haha!" She laughs,

"I'm Lillie Bennett," I say holding out my hand,

"I'm Zoe Sugg," She replies shaking my hand,

"Sugg? What as in Joe Sugg's older sister?" I ask,

"Yes! You know my brother?" She asks,

"Yeah! We go-to the same school, Cardinal Newman." I say,

"Oh, yeah - Joe has spoken about a Lillie Bennett in school. He said that you're in a Twitter groupchat called: The Sweetcream Squad?" She asks,

"Yes, I am. I'm innit with my friends, CJ Taylor, Erin Hone, Emily Morgan, Rebecca Hall, Charley Louise Hudson, and Gabby Coughlan!" I say happily,

"I think I kind of know Rebecca and Charley, they're in my year. George Shelley's Rebecca's boyfriend and Liam Hall is Charley's boyfriend right?" Zoe asks,

"You're bang on Zoe haha!" I smile, Zoe returns the smile,

"Miss Bennett?" A man asks,

"That's me! I'll see you around Zoe - bye!" I say,

"Yeah, defo - good luck, bye!" Zoe says waving.

I'm sat in the interview room, talking to a man called Dom. He's really friendly, we're just talking about the content I upload, my audience, how committed I am to YouTube, what I hope my channel to turn into in the future. It's really nice discussing YouTube with a potential manager, I think it's going really well. I hope it is in Dom's eyes.

Dom's P.O.V

Talking to Lillie is like a breath of fresh air, she's very polite, she seems like she has a great personality, her content is great everything Gleam wants in a client, her audience varies between the ages of 8-years-old up to 20-years-old, she seems very committed to her job, she has big dreams for her YouTube career clearly, I'm going to offer her a place with Gleam.

"Lillie, I am very happy with this interview - you're everything we would want as a client with Gleam, I am more than happy to offer you a place here. What do you say?" I ask, Lillie's face instantly lights up,

"Wow! Thank you, so much Dom - that would be perfect! I would love a place here at Gleam, thank you!" Lillie says, smiling like crazy,

"We're more than happy for you to be our client. Here is all the paperwork you need to go through, I'll read through this with you so you understand everything!" I say handing her the paperwork.

Lillie's P.O.V

After going through all of the paper, I've signed all the paperwork and now Dom is my manager! I walk out of the interview room with the biggest smile on my face, Zoe is sitting there still waiting for her interview,

"I take it went well then?" Zoe asks,

"I'M NOW A PART OF GLEAM!!" I say jumping around like a crazy person,

"CONGRATS LILLIE!" Zoe says, jumping up hugging me,

"Zoe, here is my card with all my contact details on it, I'll add you to my Social if you want to keep in touch," I say to Zoe, handing her my card,

"Oh, my God, of course, we have to keep in touch, I'll text you later on!" She says hugging me,

"Brilliant, speak soon Zo, I need to go and call the Buttercream and Sweetcream Squad's Facebook groupchat!" I say, returning the hug,

"Ok, go go!" Zoe says, smiling,

I run off waving bye to Zoe, I go-to the local Starbucks, call the group telling them to meet me at Starbucks - we all stayed in London at a hotel to make things easier for getting to the Gleam Futures building.

10 minutes after calling, everyone comes in a sits with me,

"So, babe? What did they say?!" Conor asks eagerly, 

I shake my head, lying, of course, pranking them haha!

"Aw, it's ok doll - they'll be other managers wanting to sign you there and then," Erin says, hugging me,

"I'M ONLY JOKING!! I'M NOW SIGNED TO GLEAM!!!" I say excitedly. We all jump up going absolutely mental, hugging each other, happy dancing the lot,

"AHHH!!! YOU'RE ONE OF US LOT NOW LILLIE!" Jack says, giving me a massive hug,

"I KNOW!!!" I say, returning the hug,

"I am so fucking proud of you babe," Conor whispers into my ear,

"Thank you, Cocopop," I reply, smiling at him,

"Do I have permission to kiss her in front of you lot?" Conor laughs,

"Yeah, just this once though bro," Jack laughs,

Conor leans in kissing me passionately, every moment of the kiss feels incredible, Conor is incredible, our lips moving in sync with each other, I wrap my arms around Conor's neck deepening the kiss, he wraps his arms around my waist, after a few more seconds we brake the kiss, our foreheads touching,

"Cor', Christ on a bike Lillie-Louise Bennett, you've been signed to Gleam?! Congrats babe, also you're in a relationship now?! Nice one girl, I feel like a proud Mum right now," A familiar voice laughs says, I turn to see my old friend Louise Williams says to me, I haven't seen her in years, she moved to Folkstone, from London when she was 9-years-old, we've kept in touch as much as we can but, it's hard when you lead to different lives and live in different parts of the UK. I'm so happy she's in London, I'm shell-shocked,

"LOUISE?! OH, MY GOD!!" I shout excitedly, running up to her giving her a massive hug, she returning the hug,

"You alright sweet?" She asks, wiping her happy tears away,

"Yeah, I'm fine babe, how are you?" I asked wiping my happy tears away also,

"Yeah, I'm good ta, fancy a catch-up?" She says smiling,

"Definitely, come over here, meet my boyfriend and my best mates," I say taking her to the table getting her a chair,

"So, what's new?" I asked, after introducing her to my friends and getting her a drink,

"Trust me, there's lots to tell, what about you?" She says laughing,

"Ooooh do tell! Same here babes," I reply, we all laugh,

It's so good to have my old friend back in my life.

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