Chapter 10: Back to School

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Rebecca's P.O.V

I felt so shit. My now ex-boyfriend George had just broke up with me via a simple text message:

George Shelley: I'm sorry this just isn't working for me anymore, I've met someone else. It's over Becky - sorry. G

I can't believe what has just happened. This is the worst feeling I've ever experienced in my entire 19-years of life. I don't understand. He's met someone else? Who? I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces, a hot tear fell down my cheek. That one tear turning into a flood of tears. I text George back in a rage:

Rebecca Louise: Wtf? What do you mean? "I've met someone else". I cannot believe you've done this to me, and after everything we've been through?! Fine! I hope she makes you happy, but don't you DARE come running back to me when everything goes tits up! Because I know it will turn to shit. I'm blocking your number, and everything I have you on. DON'T CONTACT ME AGAIN! R

Crying my eyes out I block him on everything and his number. I don't understand why he'd do this to me. Actually that's a massive lie, I know exactly why he'd do this to me. He's a boy. Boys always end-up breaking my heart, they always have and always will. I'm done with boys and relationships.

Grabbing my bag, coat and phone, I head to the bus stop to go-to school.

Erin's P.O.V

Walking into school with James holding my hand tightly. It's like he's protecting me from the other guys at school. He's so cute. I see everyone from The Sweetcream Squad apart from Becky, walking with there boyfriends. James and I wave at them, I smile at all my besties. I have amazing friends I think to myself, they always make me so happy.

"Hello, beauts! Hey, lads!" I say hugging the girls,

"Ello', me' darling!"  CJ says,

"How are you, all?" I ask,

"We're all good!" Lillie says,

"Glad to hear it," I smile,

"Does anyone know where Becky is? She didn't walk with me like she usually does today," I say, slightly worried,

"Maybe she slept in and got the bus," Lillie says. Yeah, that's probably the case. We all know Becky loves her sleep.

"Yeah, that's most-likely the case," I say,

"Right, me and CJ have Art and Textiles so we better go before we get detention," I say laughing, before me and CJ run of to class,

"LOVE YOU CJ!" Jack says blowing a kiss to CJ,

"LOVE YOU TOO BABE!" CJ says returning the kiss,

Conor's P.O.V

"Come on then Jack and Con, we've got P.E," Lillie says, groaning slightly,

"Yeah, come on then. I love P.E," I say winking at Lillie,

"What because of all the hot girls?" She says cheekily,

"There is one particularly hot girl there, who I'm proud to call my girlfriend!" I say wrapping my arms around Lillie's little waist and kissing her delicately, while everyone pretends to be sick,

"Shut up you lot!" Lillie laughs,

"Bennett, Maynard no kissing at school. You know this," the Headmistress says,

"Sorry!" Lillie and I say laughing,

"Right, anyway! See you later peeps!" Lillie says.

We all say goodbye and head of to P.E. The best lesson!

"Love you, Con," Lillie whispers,

"Love you too, baby," I reply kissing Lillie's temple.

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