Chapter 1 "she's different"

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~Time skip. 4 hours after end of prologue. 10:35~

Dippers point of view

Me and Ford have been watching dumb "true story" videos online.

I swear these people don't understand anything. We laugh at their titles and how unprofessional they are. like, "Jeff the killer!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" these are some dumb people.

Ford was crying he laughed so hard. "Ha. I wish people did research sometimes Dipper"

He patted me on the back and smiled.

"then again, who could beat our research?" I looked at him with a smile. Ford always knew me so well, he's getting to old for our research, so most of the time he writes and I film and find the evidence. It's fun. There was a loud knock at the front door.

"coming!!!" yelled a female voice. yeah...that's Mable. I stepped out of the office me and ford are in and looked out to see who she brought over.

not Candy, or Greta... or Pacifica? They seemed like the type of rude rich girls that beat me up, well try to. Then send their boyfriends after me. One had brown hair, blue eyes, she had a short cut style of hair and whore a red crop top and high waist jean shorts. The other was blond with green eyes. She had a jean jacket with a cheer uniform underneath.

The brown haired one laughed "Mable! I'm so happy to see you~!" they hugged, quickly.

"you two Taylor! You look great" Mable said, laughing a if she knew them. Who the hell are they?

The blond one looked over at me.

fuck I was staring for too long! this is what you get for being so observant Dipper!

"omg Mable, is that your boyfriend?" the blond one asked "you could do so much better then that!"

"ew! he's my brother Sara!" Mable screamed.

"ha...ha... bye!" I yelled then ran upstairs.

~Time Skip~ 12:00

I was just reading a book for a bit. Then Mable and her friends came in me and Mable's room. I don't ever mind her friends but these girls... I don't know. They talked for awhile. Then Taylor asked me

"what you reading?"

"oh uh, well it's about all the weird demon shit around here. I've actually seen most myself" I started to think.

maybe these girls aren't so bad after all

"oh...ha...that's cool?..." she looked over at Mable. Then they all left the room.

well fuck you too then

Point of view ???

ugh... fuck this waiting this shit.

I hate this.

come on! someone just make a fucking deal!

Dipper's point of view

it was about 3:00 am. It was raining cats and dogs outside. I was still reading.

"I'm sorry girls let me talk to him!" I heard someone say from behind the door. Then footsteps walking away.


the door opened and it was Mable. "hey sis wh-

I was cut off by her grabbing me by the collar

"will you stop making me look bad for once Dipper?!" she yelled

"what are you talking about Mable? something wrong?"

"yeah! you and your dumb conspiracies!" She kept screaming at me.

"Dumb? Conspiracies?! exu-"

"why cant I have a good brother? god your so useless! you'd be more useful to me dead!"

I can't believe what my own sister just said...I pushed her off me and ran out the room, down stairs and outside into the storm. I heard Stan behind me.

"kid! come back! where you goin?!"

Mable's point of view

what have I done...what have I done... I can't go back now

I'm sorry dipper.... I'm so sorry.

Dipper's point of view

I didn't even look where I was going

I just ran

and ran

and ran

and ran

I was running threw the forest now.

it doesn't matter though.

I started crying and just ran.

I kept running.

and running.

and running.

"OW!!! Fuck!"

I fell back into the mud. I looked up to see an old friend.


I grabbed the statues hand and pulled myself up while saying. "god...I'd even make a deal with you if I could get Mable back to normal."

I stood up and kept crying.

"dumb fucking Dorito"

point of view Cipher

Did he just??? Yes! YES!!! Deal pine tree! DEAL!!!

But you wont trust me as me... hmmmmmmmmmm

Aha! I know!

~a few min later~

dipper's point of view

I just kept crying. Maybe I would be better of dead... maybe she's right...

I kept crying as my thoughts got darker.

I wish I was better....why am I so useless?

I hate myself.

then I felt a hand on my shoulder.


I turned around and a guy a bit taller then me stood there, blond, brown eyes and tanned skin. He had a black sweater with a yellow belt and jeans on. His shoes were just normal black converse.

"um hi..." I said shyly

the man smiled and asked "need a place to stay at for the night?"

I nodded and started to smile. Why is this stranger so nice? He grabbed my hand and started pulling me along. I could hardly walk I was so sad. I guess he noticed and picked me up

for some reason I....I trust him.

Point of view Cipher

you trust me to much for your own good kid.

End of chapter 1

Chapter 2 is out!

I hope enjoyed guys!!

this was a lot of fun to write =)


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